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usb module problem


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..means you are receiving any (but invalid) MIDI events in MIDI-Ox from the first MIDI In port?

Yes...all manner of midi madness

What is the exact status now?

A messy pcb with cut tracks, a few wires, one workin midi i/o and one fikked midi i/o...;p

Edit: Hmmm, midi in seems to be okay again now but it's still sendin the input on 1 to the output 1 at the same time! argghh



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...and you are receiving also invalid MIDI events when the Rx line is connected with 3.3V or with the output of the second optocoupler? This would mean that your wire is not soldered correctly...

lost again - when did u say connect the rx pin to 3.3V? it's connected to the midi in1 octo and a HC00 in the schem...

and the 2nd octo (midi-in2) does not come in to this...

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Ok, once again, step by step, please answer every question:

1) cut the track near by the TxD0 pin of the Cypress chip, so that this output hasn't a connection to the rest of the PCB anymore, ok?

2) cut the track near by the RxD0 pin of the Cypress chip, so that this input hasn't a connection to the rest of the PCB anymore, ok?

3) cut the track near by the optocoupler output of the first MIDI In port (IC4, Pin 6), so that this output hasn't a connection to the rest of the PCB, ok?

4) now connect an external 1.2k resistor to pin 6 of IC4, ok?

5) solder a wire between IC4, pin 6 and the RxD0 input of the Cypress chip. Note: a direct connection, not via any PCB track! Does the MIDI In receive proper MIDI events now?

6) if not: connect the RxD0 pin with IC5, pin 6 instead and send some events to MIDI Port 2, does MIDI-Ox display proper events?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

P.S.: connection to 3.3V was just a test to ensure that the RxD0 pin is not floating. With 3.3V you should receive *no* MIDI event

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Not really, now you know that the problem must be located somewhere around IC8. Sorry, I cannot give you much more suggestions anymore... but I hope that you've learned from this session how to detect shorts in a circuit when visual control doesn't help anymore

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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