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LCD right half full left half empty

Guest mosolutu

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Guest mosolutu

im halfway finished with my box, ive got the core, the dinx, and the ltc module. i first tested the core module with the LCD connected. but it doesnt seem to boot, the right half of the display is full of of dots, and the left half is completely empty. it stays that way until i cut the power line. connecting the two other modules didnt change a thing. one thing to point out the 7805 gets very hot, i mean it should take a load of 1.5 A, and in fact takes just about 300 A within the circuit.

i also checked the LCD cable twice if ive got the connections right.

any help on that is very welcome


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Which display are you using, sounds like a graphical display?

And are you sure about the 300 A, such a high current would melt the tracks?

If you assumed that this is a character display, but it isn't, it could be a short because of the different pinning. And you would possibly need a customized display driver...

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Guest mosolutu

its 300 mA of course :)

the LCD is a standard KS0066 2x16 character display, which should be compatible to HD44780.

i bought it at Conrad.

the connections should be allright. allthough the 7805 gets only quite hot when the LCD is connected, but maybe it takes that much power. or its somehow shortened. but i couldnt find any with my multimeter.

i also tried different firmwares but all with the same result.

i hope i get that fixed soon, before its getting too frustrating.

thanks, moso

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Perhaps try following:

Deconnect the backlight (it´s very power-consuming) and all modules (DIN/DOUT) and measure the current the core takes up ( deconnect either pin of the supply and between the Pin and the supply cable measure the current).

It should certainly be not above 100 mA (only with the core and no LEDs/backlight). App. 30-50 mA.

If it´s higher you got some short on your core (it´s often the "Quarz" (english??) under the PIC).

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Guest mosolutu

hello pay_c

thanks for ur help. the current for the core without backlight was slightly above 100 mA. also the voltages on the pic pins are allright.

maybe its the crystal (Quarz) itself which is damaged ??

how can i measure that, maybe u´ll know

today i´ll check if theres comming any midi message out of the box, hoping i can focus the problem.

cu robert

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Me, too, you can believe me that!

The crystal should be OK (the PIC´s coming up). Anyhow: You did isolate it, did you? It´s touching no blank areas, right?

What´s weird: If you have a short, the current should go wide over 100 mA, if you have no short you should be at about 30-50 mA.


Conclusion: Something in between.  ;)

Check all your soldering, check all your parts (stupid, I know - but in the moment I have no better solution). Is the other IC put in correctly? (I did manage to put it in the false way two times... stupid me... ::) )

Clean the PCB roughly (perhaps it´s some veeery small short), meaning just wipe over it with some acetone or similar.

Can´t give you more than that for now, sorry.  :P

Good luck anyhow...

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Guest Zzzz...


I don't know if this is gonna help you, but you said one side is empty (no characters) and the other does work (some characters able to read). I'm just guessing but if your right side of the LCD is okay and the left side not...I'm right?

Well, if so and (also if it's not) personally i think you have damaged your LCD by putting it too long wrong (ie 180 degrees turned) on the Core...I did this also one time and that totally screwed up my LCD....

Other thing could be that you bought a already broken one...(had that ones by Reichelt) but i was able to return it and get a good one back (that's what I call service)..don't know if Conrad takes part back???

I am not sure...but maybe it's a usefull hint...



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Guest mosolutu

thanks erik,

i also thought having a damaged LCD, that would be the easiest solution  :), but ive got to check that.

im doin a test code just to see the LCD works or not.

it also helps me gettin better with programming PICs, and possibly give some feeling of success  :).

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Hi, I have a simular problem. I get the 'mios V1' on the left side of the screen and just ramdom vertical lines on the other. I've never managed to get the sid box working after months of messing about.

I was wondering could this be a faulty LCD or a software problem? the screen is the only part I haven't replaced owing to its cost.

Is there a testing method to test the screen to rule that out of the problems?


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