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Control surface for XVA1 Synthesizer Module


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I'd like to make an hardware control surface for fantastic XVA1 synth
The synth use a 24LC1025 I2C EEPROM memory to store preset.

All parameters in XVA1 can be controlled via MIDI System Exclusive messages.
The message format for the messages is as follows:
F0 44 00 P1 P2 V1 V2 F7
P1 P2 = Parameter number, 0~511 in two hexadecimal 7-bit values.
V1 V2 = Value, 0~255 in two hexadecimal 7-bit values .

So i use encoder on MBNG to change value like this ( example for filter-1-cutoff where P1=0x00 and P2=0x48)
EVENT_ENC  id=  1  hw_id =  1  bank=1  fwd_id=LED_MATRIX:1  fwd_to_lcd=1  range=  0:255 type=SysEx  stream="0xf0 0x44 0x00 0x00 0x48 ^val_h ^val 0xf7"   ports=100011000000000  lcd_pos=1:1:1  label="filter1_cutoff %3d"
All is ok

It is also possible to request a SysEx Dump
Get  Program Dump (512 parameter values)
F0 43 uu 04 04 00 00 F7

Where uu = unit number.( In my case 0x00)

So i implemented a button to request a dump and store it in a general receiver

EVENT_BUTTON id= 80  button_mode=OnOnly type=SysEx  stream="0xf0 0x44 0x00 0x04 0x04 0x00 0x00 0xf7" chn= 1  range=  0:1 offset= 0  ports=100011000000000  lcd_pos=1:1:1  label="get dump"

EVENT_RECEIVER id=  1  type=SysEx  stream="0xf0 0x43 0x00 ^dump 0xf7"  ports=1000100000001000 fwd_to_lcd=1 lcd_pos=1:1:2 label="Received SyxDump"

This part is ok. Using MIDI-OX software i can see the 1024 byte of the dump that synth out of its midi out port.

Now the problem.
I'd like to use syxdump_pos parameter to update the value af any controller to reflect the current value stored in the current selected program in the synth memory.
syxdump_pos fails because it  points to a single byte in the ^dump , while the parameter value consists of two bytes.

I'm not a programmer but in  MIDIbox NG repository i find this section in mbng_event.c file

case MBNG_EVENT_SYSEX_VAR_VAL:        match = 1; pool_item->value = (pool_item->value & 0xff80) | (midi_in & 0x7f); break;
case MBNG_EVENT_SYSEX_VAR_VAL_H:      match = 1; pool_item->value = (pool_item->value & 0xf07f) | (((u16)midi_in & 0x7f) << 7); break;
case MBNG_EVENT_SYSEX_VAR_VAL_N1:     match = 1; pool_item->value = (pool_item->value & 0xfff0) | (((u16)midi_in <<  0) & 0x000f); break;
case MBNG_EVENT_SYSEX_VAR_VAL_N2:     match = 1; pool_item->value = (pool_item->value & 0xff0f) | (((u16)midi_in <<  4) & 0x00f0); break;
case MBNG_EVENT_SYSEX_VAR_VAL_N3:     match = 1; pool_item->value = (pool_item->value & 0xf0ff) | (((u16)midi_in <<  8) & 0x0f00); break;
case MBNG_EVENT_SYSEX_VAR_VAL_N4:     match = 1; pool_item->value = (pool_item->value & 0x0fff) | (((u16)midi_in << 12) & 0xf000); break;

Is it possible to edit this file to get a solution to my problem?how?
Can anyone help me find a solution?
Thanks in advance.
UCapps is a fantastic place.


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Is there a way to read two consecuitive bytes from a received sysex and assign to a hardware controller?


From pag. 35 of Xva1 manual:

XVA1 can be controlled also by using the dedicated external UART, by using pins 26 (TX) and 27 (RX) in the CMOD-A7 module.

The external UART is set to send/receive at 500 kbps, 8-bit, one stop bit, no parity.

Command are: 

r = Loads a program from EEPROM

w =Writes active program into EEPROM.

s= Sets specified parameter to specified value.

g =Gets active value for specified parameter


is there a way to use these commands in my midibox?

is possible to send command like this from a midibox to the synth?


If there is no solution the last thing i can do is to manually copy all preset from eeprom and save every preset in the sd card. I fear that 500 parameters for every preset are too many to save on sd card. I have bad experience with sd card. I prefer eeprom.




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By default the UART are configured for regular MIDI DIN speed, 31250 baud.
But you can change their configuration, in the mios32_config.h file of your project.

The default value(if not previously defined in mios32_config.h) are found in include/mios32/mios32_uart.h

// Baudrate of UART first interface
#define MIOS32_UART0_BAUDRATE 31250

Others settings are not easily accessible, they are dependant of the cpu.  They are set in mios32_uart.c
But they meet your requirement, example for stm32f4xx:

  USART_InitTypeDef USART_InitStructure;
  USART_InitStructure.USART_WordLength = USART_WordLength_8b;
  USART_InitStructure.USART_StopBits = USART_StopBits_1;
  USART_InitStructure.USART_Parity = USART_Parity_No;
  USART_InitStructure.USART_HardwareFlowControl = USART_HardwareFlowControl_None;
  USART_InitStructure.USART_Mode = USART_Mode_Rx | USART_Mode_Tx;

Best regards

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