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multi-core setup, device id's etc


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I'm redoin my LC box and have a multi-core setup...atm I have 2 cores in, a 3rd will be added...

I've left the octo out on the 2nd and connected the digital midi out of the master to the in of the 2nd. The device id of the 2nd is 1 (burnt with 1 at the end of the bootstrap loader id line), id of master is 0. I then made a new mios syx file for the 2nd core (id=1) and went to upload it thinking it'd work, but no :/...

Am i missing summin out? It should work right? I put the the 2nd core in the 1st core's socket and uploaded the adapted device id mios o/s file and it loaded fine so that part is coo, it's just the data is not getting between the 2 cores...

Does the master core have to have an app loaded with that mb forwarding point enabled for it to work or summin? - I've just the o/s on each core atm



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Hi Dan,

Does the master core have to have an app loaded with that mb forwarding point enabled for it to work or summin?

Exactly. It will work once the "MIDI Merger" or "MBLink FP" option has been enabled. This can also be done from external by sending

F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0D 01 00 58 28 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 F7
to the master core. With
F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0D 01 00 58 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F7

you can switch off the merger function again.

Best Regards, Thorsten.


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Hey T...

Yup, worked fine :)

So to have the master core always set as midi merger or mblink fp - i have to burn it with the bootstrap right, otherwise i always have to send this code...or can i add a line in the main.asm if the lc app?



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Hi Dan,

sure, you can.

But note: if you are planning to build two MIDIbox LC, then every core module needs it dedicated IO pair (this is a limitation of the Logic Control protocol)

or: if it is not required that the second core sends MIDI data to the host application, then there isn't a need for a MIDI chain. In this case you can just connect the MIDI Input of the second core (J11:MI) in parallel to the MIDI Input of the first core (J11:MI)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hey T

sure, you can.

Hmm, it cant be done with a change to the ID at bootstrap can it? I cant see any info on the readme for setting the merger or mblink status at this point. So I have to enabled this by adding code to the lc main.asm file ye?*

or: if it is not required that the second core sends MIDI data to the host application, then there isn't a need for a MIDI chain. In this case you can just connect the MIDI Input of the second core (J11:MI) in parallel to the MIDI Input of the first core (J11:MI)

Great! I had the midi out of the master to the In of the 2nd but was gettin some very strange behavior when slecting between smpte and beats ;p hope this solves it!

Also, as I have this 2nd core just for smpte/beats on a 16x2 - i was thinking a regular rotary pot would be fine for the master fader control - can this be done without changing much LC code? ie, would i just enable the motorfaders setting (even tho its a regular pot) and set it so 1st fader is masterfader (option in main.asm)...



* This all i need in the main.asm:

        movlw        MIOS_MIDI_MERGER_MBLINK_FP
        call        MIOS_MIDI_MergerSet

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Hi Dan,

I never tried this out, so I cannot give you more detailed tips. Try some existing options. Hope that you publish your experiences some day at the Portal :)

To the code in main.asm: yes, this has to be added to USER_Init...

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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