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help with programming please

Guest Ryan

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hi! i was just wondering if ther's someone near me who has a working JDM? I Live in Manila, Philippines.

Also, When I start ic-prog i get a message saying "Previledged Instruction" then I click ok. Then When I try to check my hardware the same message shows up again and ic prog hangs... anybody know whats happening? Im running WIn XP...



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hi! its me again... its 4am here in manila and i just got my JDM working!:) I had to build 3 jdm's before i got this one to work.

This might be worth mentioning...

My PC hangs even after following the instructions for WIn XP users... this was solved by running the ic prog in compatibility with win98/ME and using a program called UsePort which allows ic prog to access the ports directly.

Hope that helps!


On to the core!:p

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Hi Ryan !

I had the same problem a few days ago.

I also use Win XP and installed the win2k/xp driver.

The problem came because of wrong settings in the "Hardware Options" .

Be shure you enable the right COM port and Windows API - Interface ! !  (not Direct I/O !)

hope this helps...

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thanks gracid! i've already solved it by running icprog in compatibility with win98/winME and using a program that allows you to access the port directly... everything ok now:)


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