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another encoder question :)-(:

Guest psytron

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Guest psytron

i am looking to use an (2 acualy) encoder to send incremental data to a prog such as traktor.

it seems that most of the encoders that people are using here are approx 12-36 ppr and seem to be mainly used as a knob.

i am looking to use mine as a jog wheel to pitch up/down while mixing 2 songs live.

my question is will an approx 128ppr or higher(perhaps) have any advantages over a low resolution one. and is there a way to adjust the incremental sensitivity in mios so that if a 128ppr is tooooo sensitive i can tone it down so to speak.

please answer esp those with a jog/scrub wheel i am interested in the resolution of your wheel.

thanks people its time to move on from pots and buttons hehe

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No, much more than 36 ppr cannot be natively handled by MIOS due to the minimum capturing cycle of 1 mS (the driver is optimized for up to 64 common rotary encoders). But it's possible to program a dedicated driver for higher resolutions - Tip: use MIOS_Timer with a capturing period of about 100-200 uS

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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