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emagic sounddriver sid editor


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hi, i am building an editor for the sid in emagic sounddriver, and i have a few questions about saving and recieving dumps.

Is there a sysx command to store the current patch in the memory, without the use of the 256k dump data?

How do i create the 256 k dump data from my editor (with the cc's etc.)?



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Hi Kriz,

informations about the MBSID SysEx format can be found here:


The current patch can be accessed with command 05 and 06

Even more informations can be found in the JSynthLib package, see


and especially:


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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After a long day and night programming and getting the 256k data in order, i can finally request dump patches from the sid to my sounddriver editor.

But when i try to save the modified dump data back in the sid, i will not store the data. When i dumped the data through the jsynth editor it works fine, but not in sounddriver.

I checked the sysex data i try to send against the data from the original dump of the patch, everything is the same, exept the controller i modified, so the sysex string is good.

When i send the dump from sounddriver to the sid to store it, and then request the same patch which should contain the modified data, i get the data as it was before i modified it.

This is very strange, because i can dump data through jsynth, but not through sounddriver, and the sysex string is the same, i checked it over and over again.

I hope someone has an answer to this, because i am fresh out of ideas.

the sysex strings can be found here http://members.home.nl/degrotebozewolf/sid/debug.txt

//edit added the debug.txt

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I guess that it fails since there must be a delay of some mS before sending any other MIDI data, otherwise the update will be aborted. This is due to the fact that at least the Wavetable (0x80-0xff) has to be stored in EEPROM

Therefore it's possible to send a single parameter.

So long as it is in between the range of 0x00-0x7f, no delay is required (and sounds can be changed smoothly).

The appr. SysEx command is used by JSynthLib.

I don't know the possibilities of sounddiver, but doesn't it support a function which sends a single byte of a patch?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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