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MIOS SysEx Librarian with DIY Synthesizer Jeannie

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Hello loving MidiBox friends

I want to use MIOS SysEx Librarian to USB upload and download patches for my Jeannie synthesizer. I don't have a SysEx ID (it's set to 0). How can customize the Jeannie program code for MIOS SysEx Librarian ?

I developed the following SysEx protocol for Jeannie. But I can change it for MIOS.

1. Byte F0 = Beginn SysEx

2.Byte 00 = non SysEx ID

3.Byte 00 = non SysEx ID

4.Byte 00 = non SysEx ID

5.Byte XX = Bank No

6.Byte XX = Patch No

7. datas..

last Byte 7F = End SysEx





Edited by rolfdegen
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Hello user..

The data format for the transmission or reception of SysEx data has its pitfalls.
The data may only be 7 bits in size. Larger values lead to the transmission being aborted.
In the Jeannie, floating point numbers and 16-bit integer numbers are used.
For saving on SD card, the parameters are converted into ASCII characters and
written to the SD card. It looks like this for patch "STORM X" B 032, for example.



The advantage is that floating point numbers or large integer numbers can be transmitted as 7-bit numbers (0-127) via SysEx.
A disadvantage is the slightly larger amount of data.

Example code for transferring a SysEx file ( patch "STORM X" B 032 data is not yet complete )

byte sysexData[32];    // SysEx buffer 256 Byte
int sysexCount = 0;        // SysEx Data pointer

// convert parameter string to bin
FLASHMEM void String_to_bin (String value, uint8_t len)
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        sysexData[sysexCount] = value[i];
// usbMidi send SystemExclusive
FLASHMEM void SendSysEx(void)
    // send PrgNr "B 032"
    uint8_t patchNo = 32;
    uint8_t currentPatchBank = 1; // Bank B
    String numString = (patchNo);
    String bankString = char(currentPatchBank + 65);
    String fileString = (bankString + "/" + numString);
    uint8_t data_len = NO_OF_PARAMS;
    sysexCount = 0;
    // get Sound File String
    File patchFile = SD.open(fileString.c_str());
    String data[data_len]; //Array of data read in
    recallPatchData(patchFile, data);
    // Sysex data lenght [28];                            // Daten lenght max 256
    sysexData[sysexCount++] = 0xF0;                        // 0        - Start SysEx
    sysexData[sysexCount++] = 0x00;                        // 1        - ID
    sysexData[sysexCount++] = 0x00;                        // 2        - ID
    sysexData[sysexCount++] = 0x00;                        // 3        - ID
    sysexData[sysexCount++] = 0x00;                        // 4        - Device ID 0-64
    sysexData[sysexCount++] = patchNo;                     // 5        - Patch No
    sysexData[sysexCount++] = currentPatchBank;            // 6        - Folder No
    String_to_bin(data[0], 12);                            // 7-18        - Patch Name
    String_to_bin(data[1], 4);                             // 19-22    - Osc1 level
    String_to_bin(data[2], 4);                             // 23-26    - Osc2 level
    // ..even more data
    sysexData[sysexCount++] = 0xF7;                        // 27        - End SysEx
    usbMIDI.sendSysEx(sysexCount, sysexData, true);        // send SysEx data
    Serial.println("Data sending complete");


The transferred SysEx file for patch "B 032"



Greetings form germany  :happy: Rolf


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