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Led question


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My usb module still doesn´t work..but is another history.

I`m using a Native Instruments` program called Traktor for Dj mixing,but i have a problem.In this program ther is a button called Loop that seems to work in toggle mode,and in my midibox64 i have a button in toggle mode with a led.The problem is that it doesnt work properly,it fails sometimes.i have try with a button in on/off mode and it work fine..but i need a led to see when loop is active..do you understand? I want know if i can set a button to on/off mode and his led to toggle mode. is it posible? another suggestions?


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Guest psytron

traktor does not have any midi out.

so any led you use will have to be coded to switch on/off in mios and the is always the possability of going out of sync.

i.e. led says loop is on then it is off then you press button and led goes off but traktor starts looping.

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Hi !

I'm working on a dedicated traktor controller too. No LEDs on it because the lack of MIDI out with Traktor  :(

But there must be a program out there somewhere that can do "event capture" in windows and send MIDI out commands corresponding tho that action ??? This would be just what we need.


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