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Schottky diodes


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Hi all,

I wont bore you with my JDM problems but before you tell me to read the previous posts etc I have been through everything from the last 300 days on the forum....

But I found somewhere that maybe I can try changing the 8.2V diode I have installed for a 9.1V. However I cannot find anywhere which has Schottky 9.1V, only Zener.

Is it worth me trying this avenue or should I ask someone nicely to program it for me.....



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Heya Dave!

A Zener diode is what you want for this.

1N4739 is a 9.1V 1W Zener, you should be able to find this at any electronics supplier.  1N4739A is also fine.

If you want to send it to me I'll program it for you, just send me an email if you want to go this route.   :)



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hi mr smash,

thanks for the info, means I can unsolder that diode in the hope of organising this thing :-)

I also appreciate the offer to program my PIC, Im in europe tho and from memory you are in the US of A... but if I get really desperate expect me in your local airport :)

kind regards

Dave M

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