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vu meters again


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im sorry if this is going over old ground for the regulars but im just getting back into this and have started building a traktor control surface what it really needs is some sort of visual indication of output  vu's etc  has anybody got any advice on this

i have been thinking of taking a signal off the audio outs themselves

please help an old newbie

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I guess that a microcontroller based vu meter would require a seperate core module + a lot of external electronic to prepare the audio signal and especially to convert the db scaling + the appr. software.

So, it's simpler to use a dedicated IC for this job like the LM3916.

See this project http://www.all-electric.com/schematic/quad-met.htm

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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mmm I would make something like this...

because the lm3916 are more expensive than a PC18f452, which can handle more than one audio channel (I think), I first though using MIOS.

To "prepare" the audio signal it shouldn't be so hard, look at the vu meter schematic on the green mic pre page (google green mic pre).

but yes if it's possible to multiplex the lm3916 inputs... it can be an interesting way to do it!!

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