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I want to try to add the Signal-LED for channels in LC-application

- Status for LED is to find in SysEx-Message <Hdr> 21 ii mm F7 (where "ii" represents the fader-channel and bit 1 of "mm" set LED for this channel "ON" or "OFF")

- I add line

Signal_LED_SR EQU 9        ;in my setup these LEDs are on shiftregister 9
to "main.asm"  - Where is the best place to include following code? I would try to insert it to "MPROC.inc" in "Set_Meter_Mode" working with the second byte

      movf Signal_LED_SR, W                                          ; writes the Shiftregister-Number to W
      mullw 0x08                                                ; multply with 8
      movwf TMP1                                                ; save result in TMP1
      movf LC_METER_CHANNEL, W                                    ; writes channel-number to W
      addwf TMP1                                                ; add W to TMP1 => result is DOUT-Pin for Signal-LED
      movf TMP1, W                                                ; writes TMP1 to W (for use with MIOS_Dout_PinSet....)
      IFSET LC_MPROC_IN, 1, CALL MIOS_Dout_PinSet1                        ; set LED "ON" if bit 1 of Meter_Mode-Byte  is "1"
      IFCLR LC_MPROC_IN, 1, CALL MIOS_Dout_PinSet0                        ; set LED "OFF" if bit 1 of Meter_Mode-Byte is "0"

Or do we have to make a "SIGNAL_LED_REQUEST"-Flag and move the work to an extra subroutine called by "USER_Tick" or anything else?

Bye  Pearl



LC_MPROC_Action_Meter as well as LC_MPROC_Received_D0 already store the received byte in the METER_MODE array (consists of 8 items, one for every meter). So, you can access this array whenever you want to get the "p" bit.

Btw: this bit is already displayed by the center LED of every LED ring if meter mode enabled.

It's not optimal to use the LC_MPROC_Action_Meter to update additional LEDs, since the mode could also be changed by a D0 event.

The most proper method is to hook the additional code to the LC_METERS_Handler in "lc_meters.inc" (see code)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

P.S.: the result of a mullw instruction can be found in PRODL and PRODH, and not in WREG



Am I right, the 1st Bit of "XX" in "DO XX"- Peak-Level-Message is the same as 1st Bit of "mm" in "<Hdr> 20 ii mm F7" -Channel-Meter-Mode-Message?

(If not, in "lc_meters.inc" only the LC_Meter_Level was handled !?)

And PRODL ... really good tip  :D  (there is no hint in MPLab-Assembler-Helpfile)

Are PRODL and PRODH static or is it possible to add a value like " addwf PRODL" ?

Thanx and

                 Bye Pearl

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