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"Virtual  bow" idea

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Hi! i've got an idea for a MIOS feature, that i believe would be a very expressive and useful thing. Unfortunatly i don't know a word of Assembler, so i thought i'd post the concept here in case anyone wants to make it themselves.

I thought it would bee cool to make one or several sliders on a Midibox to work like a bow (u know, the thing you use on a violin). In other words, by pulling the slider back and forth you generate MIDI values (KeyDown, KeyRelease and in between that some CC value like Volume). If you pull the slider slowly, it generates a low CC value and so on.

I guess you hardcore coders have thought out how you should code this already, but here's my idea of how the application could work like:

1. Constantly measure the value from the slider.

2. If the slider moves, send a KeyPress value and calculate the difference from the last position and output the result as a CC value. Larger difference -> higher value.

3. If the slider changes direction, insert a KeyRelease value, a new Keypress value and so on.

4. If the slider stops (and stays still for, say, 25milliseconds, so that there is no doubt that the slider really has stopped), insert KeyRelease and set CC to zero.

I guess this is kind of the same concept that is used by the scratching programs out there, but this thingy would be a nice tool if you use, say, a Nord Modular and could assign the slider to a filter, volume, phaser or whatever.

Can this be done as a MIOS application? Does it seem practical/dumb?

Med vänliga hälsningar, Johan

PS. I know i spelled "Unfortunatly" wrong ;) and by "KeyPress" i mean "NoteDown" or whatever it's called in MIDI... i spent 3 months coding Actionscript, so i'm a bit verbally damaged ;D

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Can this be done as a MIOS application?

of course ;-)

Does it seem practical/dumb?

this is something which can only be determined by starting with the programming.

Unfortunately I won't have the time in the next weeks to program on such gimmicks. I can only say, that MIOS itself doesn't need any extensions, the application itself just has to react on "USER_AIN_NotifyChange" and it has to send MIDI messages depending on the time between two events - so if anybody feels interested, step forward!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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