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MIDIbox SID V1.6 final


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The final V1.6 of MIDIbox SID is now available for download. It comes with some new features which didn't exist in the alpha versions:

  • a split function which allows to assign the three SID voices to different (or overlapping) keyboard zones. By using the transpose function in addition, you are now able to play each voice individually from a single MIDI channel. This feature is also usefull to layer multiple SID sounds to different keyboard zones (requires SID slaves)
  • the velocity/modulation/aftertouch configuration can now be found in a seperate menu (VMA), the split function can be controlled from the CFG menu
  • an auto configuration for the SID device ID and the CS handler. The SID device ID will be derived from the MIOS device ID. The control surface will be disabled if the device ID is != 0x00 (and therefore the core acts as a slave).
    This simplifies the configuration of a 4 SID system
  • several setup and .syx files for 6581/8580 with or without control surface are included in this package so that in most cases no assembler is required to configure the application
  • IMPORTANT: from now on, the SCLK input of the SID module has to be connected to port J10:MD (PIC Pin #28/RD5) of the core module

The use of MIOS V1.7 is highly recommented (especially CS users will notice advantages - brighter LEDs, brighter modulation matrix!) see also http://www.ucapps.de/mios_v1_7_hardware_mods.html

I will update the JSynthLib editor for the new features next weekend.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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;D Hello Thorsten I did IT!!!

A complete MidiboxSid with complete cs step3 and four sid engines in a week..!!! :o

I made some little changes from your design to simplify

something, but all sound GREAT!!!

My system now is stable and perform 4 18F cores with MIOS 1.6 and midiboxsid 1.6 ...

If someone could be interested I made a new frontpanel in coreldraw, a new power module, and I made different layout  to help me build it quickly!!(using prototype boards), If you like I can send you fotos and frontpanel file, (sorry I have no layout files because I draw it directly with transfers on the copper..) :P

I also have several pic16F that I buyed several time ago

when you begin your project....(I follow you from the beginning of the sid project but have no time for build...)

I would like to use the 16F for the slaves (I have 10....and more) I know that it need a great effort to create a 16F application 1.6 compatible but if you want I can try to help you if you have no time for it.(I know some about it..but i will need your supervision...)

Thanks for all !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hi there! I´m back (to life)!

I was ill for 1 1/2 weeks now (really caught in the bed - "Nebenhöhlenentzündung"). Now I´m still some days at home and had time / energy to get back to Midiboxing. And what does await me: The final SID setup! Cewl!

So I tried it out, TK.  ;D Guess what!

Still remember my prob? It´s solved!!  ;D ;D

I think perhaps the Slaves got random DIN things or the mixing of the clock signal for DIN/DOUT/BS/SID really made those probs (more like it). Anyhow: MY SID WORKS!!! REALLY WORKS NOW!!! FOR HOURS!!! YEAH!!!

Although one of the 8580 gave up it´s service (no idea why...). I just have a 3x SID now, but what the heck, it still sounds AWESOME!


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Thanks for the great feedback! Sometimes it's really important for me to read not only about hardware/software problems, but also about things which are running fine :)

Majo: don't hesitate to send me pics of your MIDIbox for the gallery. As for the PIC16F port, I guess it's impossible in the meantime since the PIC16F firmware is different at many places (the MIOS version takes advantage of the PIC18F instructions and memory model) and it already allocates the whole RAM and flash. Not at least the upload of a PIC16F firmware takes a long time (about 3 minutes) so that development doesn't make fun. So - try to find another job for those chips, how about some MIDI sensors, mergers and processors? ;-)

PayC: I'm glad to hear that your issues are solved with the new MIOS version! Get well soon! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Hello Thorsten!!!

Sorry to tell you a bug report in your 1.6 Sid application,

If VCC (Velocity Control Change ) value is more than 1 my system crashes and reboot......

I'v forgotten to say I uses the 8580 release and MIOS 1.6.....

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

What you think about implement in a future release this ideas ?:

1) Is possible to use the link Button (I found it useless or you you can introduce a blinking mode....) to enable a kind of Superpolyphonic mode that uses a single patch with 4 voices of polyphony  , so that you can play four voices chords on the same midi channel without using ..... ::)

2) Create a kind of Superpatches that configure all Sids with their midi channel, single tone , Layer, Split, sequences, etc...,

using for example bankstick 0 for the Superpatches and

other banks for keeping tone patches keeping compatibility with current ones... 8)

Just another question :

What if I join the four outputs from the sids module without the 10K resistor ???

I should have only a lowest output ... ???

Why you suggest to use it?

thanks for your patience  ;)

PS.. I'm waiting to find better knobs to send you photos for the gallery ....

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:-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X


the problem brings out only when the system is connected to my masterkeyboard   :-[

I'm investigating to know what message is faulty!

probably is a control change message that interfere with

the integrated midi merger ???

I'm exploring the capability of my new fantastic intrument, early I will be happy to share my patches with the comunity....... :)

(this is one of the most exciting site I know)

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o


I tryed to save a patch with VCC more than 1 and all system crash!!!!!!,

I needed to flash again MIOS 1.6 and Midibox Sid Application to restore full functionality!!(only on the master PIC).

If the problem is a bad message from my master, seems

to be useful implement in the config menu a software switch that prevents from accidental upload ......... :P

Another two ideas:

1) I will found very useful to assign Modulation parameters from Velocity, Aftertouch, Wheel etc..not only to a single CC but as for the Modulation Matrix to several ones with different Depths, so it is possible create much more expressive sounds..... ;D

2) I'v dreemed a Midibox LaserHarp .... (my next project )8)

Thanks Again!!

(I'm curious to know more about you, is there a your Photo? what's your age ? Your works?)...

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Hi Majo,

I've currently no access to my MIDI gear, but I remember this imperfection. Sorry, I forgot to fix this in V1.6 - however, so far I know it can only happen if the CC target of velocity/aftertouch/modulation wheel is assigned to its own init value (velocity: CC#2). I will try to prevent this combination in the next release.

All the other CC targets should work.

You don't need to upload MIOS and the application again if you've assigned this critical CC by fault, you only have to prevent that any note will be sent to the SID until the CC target has been changed to != CC#2

Change of Link button: for some people thats a very important button if they are working with an inflexible sequencer like Cubase which doesn't allow to reconfigure the MIDI environment on-the-fly to avoid feedback loops during startup or if CC data is recorded. I've implemented this function on request by other people, and don't want to remove it again.

Superpolyphony: is definitely planned - see also the StepB introduction page

additional play modes like Super-Poly, Super-Arpeggiator, Split, Layer, Unisono are possible and planned for future extensions.

Superpatches: up to 16 combinations are prepared (saved at BankStick address 0x0080-0x00ff), but I haven't found the time to finish this yet (I'm working on other mighty applications like MIDIbox SEQ in parallel and prefer to play with the new possibilities by myself before implementing the next ones, therefore it can mostly take a long time before such ideas are available... - please understand this)

Joining outputs: without the resistors you would have a short circuit. However, I recomment the use of 4 seperate audio inputs of a soundcard (so that effects can be routed easier in the sequencer software), or the use of an external mixer.

Routing Velocity/Aftertouch/Modulation to more than one CC: unfortunately not possible anymore since the patch structure is frozen --- and especially heavily overloaded since I've already implemented so much features ;-) See also sid_sysex_table.inc - there is only one byte free anymore in the patch.

I would have to cancel other features to realize this.

Modulation matrix with different depths: two years ago I decided to implement the sound engine different from traditional synths. Common synthesizers have only one or two LFOs, one envelope generator, and a modulation matrix which allows to route these signals to different targets at the same time.

But I found it better to have more LFOs and EGs which can only be switched on/off to the targets. Advantages: more expressive sounds, easier and less complicated handling (especially nice for live playing), cheap control surface (only 56 buttons and LEDs).

Since the depth can be controlled at the LFO/EG directly, I didn't find a reason why I should add 56 additional depth parameters (which would consume 21% of the patch structure) for the targets.

Of course, people think "Synth A and B can do this, why isn't it implemented in MIDIbox SID". My argument: because it's different and has it's own charisma and especially some features which cannot be found in other synths ;-)

If you want to have another concept, you will have to reprogram the whole application at many placed --- and not only this --- you would also have to change the whole infrastructure (new control surface, new editor, overworked patches, etc...)

Hint: if you want to realize really expressive sounds, then use the wavetable sequencer for (up to three) additional modulation sources. Imagine that the sequencer can modulate the modulation parameters of LFOs/EGs, but also his own input parameters.. Oh, I just have noticed that such a possibility is also not given in other synth architectures, therefore maybe unknown by most of you guys ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

hello again!!

thanks for your quick and detailed reply!!!

Sorry for my pressure....

I've just built the instrument and I'm exploring all its capabilities so forgive my enthusiasm.....  :-[

I'm asking you about my doubt to understand more about....

I'm an achitect (with passions for music and electronic..)

so forgive some stupid question......

I underestimate the Link button, in fact it is very important (I'm a Cubase, Nuendo user but I haven't joined It to my system for now!)...

For the modulation matrix you probably misunderstood me (sorry for my english..),It  is perfect as it is....  ;D

The whole architecture is original and fantastic!! :-*

I refer only to VMA section.... :-X

(ES. the other byte could be a second VCC assignment that make possible to control  filter and volume or Attak... Just this ....) :-X

Take all time you need !!!(I don't know as you can menage all your application and fans together!)

Why a short circuit ?

C5 condenser at the output of the sid board doesn't provide for isolation?(I ask you only to understand better ...) ???


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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