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Bank LED?


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Is it possible to use some LED's to show which bank is used? So that you can see which bank is selected on first view? Like a Led row where every Led stands for one Bank? Or is there another way to let me se it?.

BTW, is there a way to insert 2 seven-segment LED's over each string of the Midibox (if it's aranged like a Mixer) and show other Numbers for every bank? So you could Number your Channals and use 7 Knobs and one Fader per String.

Would be a nice thing, but i guess its not that easy ...

The first one whould help, so i could use it on a printed Matrix to see what each pot means ;)


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Do u mean which bankstick is being used...?

Not sure if this may help you, it's from a post in the German forum (i dont speak german - but occasionally run the page through an on-line translator to see if there's any tips/tricks/info i can pick up on as i'm quite new to this)...

Anyway, this is lemonhorses' site: http://www.subfrequenz.net/techlog/mbox64b.htm - he has a 12 pole 3 layer switch that is connected to the bank eeproms and leds to indicate which one is active...

Gonna implement the same idea in my box too...


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Sure, I could integrate this into the MB64 firmware, just another option... but I think that it's better to wait for MIDIbox NG where everybody will be able to create and distribute his own "MIDIbox Skin" (display, LED outputs, button functions programmable via PlugIn) :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Okay, but i have the Parts allready and i need to buy some new, because i buyed them a long time before the MBHP startet. I think i should finish this one ;) I'll build another later, and for that box I'll wait for the NG I'll build it without this feature. No Problem.


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