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The VirtuAL3101 tool suite for AL3101


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Hi all,

I'm again very proud to present the other "project" of our team. The project is about a tool suite for the AL3101 from Alesis (or now Wavefront) that we call VirtuAL3101.

This DSP is actually a nice small DSP very dedicated to audio processing and was already the subject of some posts in here. The problem to our opinion is the lack of development tools for the DSP.

So, we've started developing our own tools for this chip and we now have:

- an assembler/disassembler

- a command-line simulator

- an application generator: AgALag

In the kitchen, we are also working on:

- a simulator with a GUI

- generating automatically projects for the Miss Parker generator from AgALag

- adding to the Miss Parker manager the possibility of controlling any AL3101 board via a dynamic library system

For us, this project is of course very much linked to the Miss Parker project but anybody using the AL3101 can use VirtuAL3101.

Some more explanations, screenshots, demo songs are available from our website at http://www.axoris.be in the VirtuAL3101 section. Some Win32 packages are also available for download...

Feedback and comments is of course very welcome...

Best regards,

Lall on behalf of the "Axoris team" (isn't it a big word for a group of friends ;))

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Veeeeeeeery interesting!

But Y did you give up the MuFFin concept? I mean, if Miss Parker is working, MuFFin should be no problem - just some more buttons & Encs within a little bigger GUI.

I love the concept! (Especially because its DIY - instead of those Spains...  ;D)

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Hi pay_c,

The fact is that our initial plans for the MuFFin was to use a "big" DSP like a Motorola or SHARC from AD.

The AL3101 alone is a little bit to small to allow big applications.

We have foreseen the possibility to extend the Miss Parker with an AL3201B to have all those "delays" based effect.

But again, even with the combination of the AL3101 + AL3201B you will not be able to achieve the power of the Chameleon.

The fact is that we are also already short with the ez-usb: almost 100% of ressources are used (Lall, correct me if I'm wrong on this point). So, I'm not sure that It will be possible to extend the UI with an LCD...

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The EZ-USB is indeed getting short on resources on the program memory point of view.

The main problem is the way they have implemented their IO port; it is done differently from the standard 8051 and it unfortunately costs a lot of program memory to do serial communication as the one we have with the AL3101.

As addition of MIDI is planned, there will be a need to write some piece of code in assembly to gain on memory but that has not started yet. I've only performed basic easy optimization so far...


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