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MBLC pot Q


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In my LC i have 2 cores, the 2nd core just handles the master fader (regular pot) and a additonal 16x2 lcd...

Is it possible to makes use of another 2 ain inputs (so A1 and A2) on the 2nd core (for a joystick) and have it just send regular CC events over the midi chain?


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Hi Dan,

sure, the USER_AIN_NotifyChange hook can be found in lc_mf.inc

Although "_mf.inc" implies that this file is intented for motorfaders only, this does not mean that you wouldn't be able to react on any other analog control element from there.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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yes, i imagined it would be possible and u make it sound so easy...but...where to start?  ???

Here is the tag:


      ;; save the fader number in LC_FADER_NUMBER
      movwf      LC_FADER_NUMBER

      ;; in this mode, no value will be sent if touch sensor not active
      movf      LC_FADER_NUMBER, W
      call      MIOS_MF_SuspendGet
      bz      LC_MF_FaderEvent_End

      ;; store 10-bit LSB value in LC_FADER_POS_L
      movff      MIOS_PARAMETER2, LC_FADER_POS_L

      ;; store 10-bit MSB value in LC_FADER_POS_H
      movff      MIOS_PARAMETER3, LC_FADER_POS_H

      ;; shift the values to the right position like descriped in
      ;; the Logic Control MIDI implementation, chapter 12

      ;; 10 bit -> 14 bit (LC_FADER_POS_[LH] << 4)
      rlf      LC_FADER_POS_L, F      ; 1
      rlf      LC_FADER_POS_H, F
      rlf      LC_FADER_POS_L, F      ; 2
      rlf      LC_FADER_POS_H, F
      rlf      LC_FADER_POS_L, F      ; 3
      rlf      LC_FADER_POS_H, F
      rlf      LC_FADER_POS_L, F      ; 4
      rlf      LC_FADER_POS_H, F

      ;; MIDI MSB: (LC_FADER_POS_H << 1) | LC_FADER_POS_L[7]
      rlf      LC_FADER_POS_H, W
      IFSET      LC_FADER_POS_L, 7, iorlw 0x01
      movwf      LC_FADER_POS_H

      ;; MIDI LSB: LC_FADER_POS_L & 0x7f
      movlw      0x7f
      andwf      LC_FADER_POS_L, F

      ;; for MIDIbox Link: notify begin of stream
      call      MIOS_MIDI_BeginStream

      ;; finally send value: E<fader> LSB MSB
      movf      LC_FADER_NUMBER, W
      andlw      0x0f
      iorlw      0x08
      iorlw      0xe0
      call      MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

      movf      LC_FADER_POS_L, W
      call      MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

      movf      LC_FADER_POS_H, W
      call      MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

      ;; for MIDIbox Link: notify end of stream
      call      MIOS_MIDI_EndStream
      ;; thats all

;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;  This function is called by LC_MPROC_Received_Ex when a fader should
;;  be moved
;;  Input:
;;     o fader number in WREG and MIOS_PARAMETER1
;;     o LSB value in MIOS_PARAMETER2
;;     o MSB value in MIOS_PARAMETER3
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ;; save fader number in LC_FADER_NUMBER
      andlw      0x07
      movwf      LC_FADER_NUMBER

      ;; derive 10-bit value from received 14-bit value. Store result in LC_FADER_POS_[LH]

      ;; LSB = MSB[0] | MIDI LSB
      btfsc      LC_FADER_POS_H, 0
      bsf      LC_FADER_POS_L, 7
      ;; MSB = MIDI MSB >> 1
      rrf      LC_FADER_POS_H, F

      ;; 10-bit value = 14-bit value >> 4
      rrf      LC_FADER_POS_H, F      ; 1
      rrf      LC_FADER_POS_L, F
      rrf      LC_FADER_POS_H, F      ; 2
      rrf      LC_FADER_POS_L, F
      rrf      LC_FADER_POS_H, F      ; 3
      rrf      LC_FADER_POS_L, F
      rrf      LC_FADER_POS_H, F      ; 4
      rrf      LC_FADER_POS_L, F

      ;; finally move fader
      movff      LC_FADER_POS_L, MIOS_PARAMETER1
      movff      LC_FADER_POS_H, MIOS_PARAMETER2
      movf      LC_FADER_NUMBER, W
      goto      MIOS_MF_FaderMove
from ain eg 2 I see:
      ;; a pot has been moved. 
      ;; Send a MIDI event

      ;; save pot number in AIN_POT_NUMBER
      ;; save low-byte of conversion result in AIN_VALUE_L
      movff      MIOS_PARAMETER2, AIN_VALUE_L
      ;; save high-byte of conversion result in AIN_VALUE_H
      movff      MIOS_PARAMETER3, AIN_VALUE_H

      ;; prepare pointer 0 for last value entry
      lfsr      FSR0, AIN_VALUE_7BIT_BEGIN
      movf      AIN_POT_NUMBER, W
      addwf      FSR0L, F
      ;; now we can access the last pot value indirectly via INDF0

      ;; prepare pointer 1 for active value entry
      movf      AIN_POT_NUMBER, W
      addwf      FSR1L, F
      ;; now we can access the active value indirectly via INDF1

      ;; important for soft-overtake: save last pot value in AIN_LAST_VALUE
      ;; so that we can determine the direction (clockwise or counter-clockwise turn?)
      movff      INDF0, AIN_LAST_VALUE
      ;; the AIN driver delivers a 10-bit result
      ;; convert it to a 7-bit value and save new result in AIN_VALUE_7BIT

      ;; the calculation is simple: the 10-bit value has to be divided by 8
      ;; the common way for this simple division is to shift the value
      ;; three times to the right. Every right-shift divides the value by 2

      clrc                        ; value / 2
      rrf      MIOS_PARAMETER3, F      
      rrf      MIOS_PARAMETER2, F

      clrc                        ; value / 2
      rrf      MIOS_PARAMETER3, F
      rrf      MIOS_PARAMETER2, F

      clrc                        ; value / 2
      rrf      MIOS_PARAMETER3, F
      rrf      MIOS_PARAMETER2, W      ; copy result to working register (WREG)

      ;; makes: value / (2*2*2) == value / 8

      ;; result is now in WREG, write result to AIN_VALUE_7BIT (INDF0)
      movwf      INDF0

      ;; if soft takeover has not been activated, continue behind the
      ;; handler
      IFCLR      INDF1, 7, rgoto AIN_Cont      ; (INDF1 == AIN_VALUE_7BIT[pot_number])

      ;; continue of active value == new value
      movf      INDF1, W
      andlw      0x7f            ; (mask out snap bit)
      xorwf      INDF0, W
      bz      AIN_Cont      ; values equal? continue!

      ;; else branch depending on clockwise or counter clockwise turn
      ;; means: last value <= new value
      movf      AIN_LAST_VALUE, W
      IFLEQ      INDF0, ACCESS, rgoto AIN_CounterClockwise
      ;; pot has been moved clockwise
      ;; exit if if new value <= active value
      movf      INDF1, W
      andlw      0x7f            ; (mask out snap bit)
      IFLEQ      INDF0, ACCESS, return

      ;; exit if active value >= last value
      IFGEQ      AIN_LAST_VALUE, ACCESS, return

      ;; else continue
      rgoto      AIN_Cont
      ;; pot has been counter clockwise
      ;; exit if if new value >= active value
      movf      INDF1, W
      andlw      0x7f            ; (mask out snap bit)
      IFGEQ      INDF0, ACCESS, return

      ;; exit if active value <= last value
      IFLEQ      AIN_LAST_VALUE, ACCESS, return

      ;; else continue


      ;; save 7-bit result in AIN_ACTIVE_VALUE
      movff      INDF0, INDF1

      ;; and clear snap bit
      bcf      INDF1, 7

      ;; !!!IMPORTANT!!!
      ;; MIOS functions normaly overwrite the FSR1 pointer, where currently
      ;; the active value has been saved
      ;; so don't use INDF1 anymore below (or calculate the correct pointer to the
      ;; pot entry once more)
      ;; !!!IMPORTANT!!!

      ;; now send a MIDI event which contains the new value
      ;; we read the entry from MIOS_MPROC_EVENT_TABLE
      ;; this has a big advantage: you can setup the "input" and "output"
      ;; events at one place!
      TABLE_ADDR MIOS_MPROC_EVENT_TABLE      ; this macro sets the base address      
      movf      AIN_POT_NUMBER, W            ; add pot offset (number *2) to TABLPTR
      mullw      2                        ; multiplicate with 2, result in PROD[LH]
      movf      PRODL, W
      addwf      TBLPTRL, F                  ; low-byte
      movf      PRODH, W
      addwfc      TBLPTRH, F                  ; high-byte (+carry bit on overrun)

      ;; for MIDIbox Link: notify begin of stream
      call      MIOS_MIDI_BeginStream

      ;; send first MIDI byte
      tblrd*+                        ; read first byte from table
      movf      TABLAT, W
      call      MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut      ; and send

      ;; send the second MIDI byte
      tblrd*+                        ; read second byte from table
      movf      TABLAT, W
      call      MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut      ; and send

      ;; send the third MIDI byte
      movf      INDF0, W            ; value from 0x00 to 0x7f
      call      MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

      ;; for MIDIbox Link: notify end of stream
      call      MIOS_MIDI_EndStream

      ;; request a display update by setting DISPLAY_UPDATE_REQ,0
      ;; USER_DISPLAY_Tick polls this flag!
      bsf      DISPLAY_UPDATE_REQ, 0

      ;; thats all


So i have to take some of ain eg 2 and combine with the code in lc_mc.inc right...no other files need touching?

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// This function is called by MIOS when a pot has been moved 
void AIN_NotifyChange(unsigned char pin, unsigned int pin_value) 
   if( pin == 1 ) // J5.A1
      // send CC event for Joystick X axis

   if( pin == 2 ) // J5.A2
      // send CC event for Joystick Y axis

   // else continue with motorfader handling ...
   // ...
   // ...
   // ...

does it look less complicated or not?

If yes: then it makes sense to wait for the MIOS C wrapper release... ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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yes, I can safely say I dont understand any of that - as for any C bidness, again the same ball ache...::)

and btw, that snippet of code u posted has thrown me even more - it looks like javascript or summin now (does not tie in with the way the code is written in ur .inc etc...needless to say the build failed ;D

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And I hoped that you are learning from all the tips and code snippets that I gave you in the past...

However, here the assembler variant... if it doesn't work immediately, please first try to find out the problem by yourself to avoid a massive attack of ping-pong mails here in the forum (e.g. check the main.err file)

In distance to the C example this code sends the events via MIDI channel 16, because channel 1 should be reserved for the LC protocol

;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;  This function is called by MIOS when a pot has been moved
;;  Input:
;;     o Pot number in WREG and MIOS_PARAMETER1
;;     o LSB value in MIOS_PARAMETER2
;;     o MSB value in MIOS_PARAMETER3
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------

        ;; save the fader number in LC_FADER_NUMBER
        movwf   LC_FADER_NUMBER

        movlw   0x01
        IFNEQ   LC_FADER_NUMBER, ACCESS, rgoto LC_MF_FaderEvent_Not1
        movlw   0xbf
        call    MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut
        movlw   0x10
        call    MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut
        movf    LC_FADER_NUMBER, W
        call    MIOS_AIN_Pin7bitGet
        call    MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

        movlw   0x02
        IFNEQ   LC_FADER_NUMBER, ACCESS, rgoto LC_MF_FaderEvent_Not2
        movlw   0xbf
        call    MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut
        movlw   0x11
        call    MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut
        movf    LC_FADER_NUMBER, W
        call    MIOS_AIN_Pin7bitGet
        call    MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut

        ;; the rest of the LC MF handler

        ;; ...
        ;; ...
        ;; ...

        ;; thats all

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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And I hoped that you are learning from all the tips and code snippets that I gave you in the past...

T, I try to but I'm afraid when it comes to any code it's a case of in 1 ear and out the other with me...always has been and MIOS/assembler is no exception...but hey, least u get one of these joysticks outta it  ;)

if it doesn't work immediately...

It worked!


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