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Front panel Design Apps

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In the process of building my first Midibox,  I was wondering is there any dedicated apps out there for designing front panels.  I mean programs that have the spacings for pots and sliders.  Kind of like a drag and drop thing.  Or is this type of thing usually done by hand with the required measurements? any help would be appreciated


If you are ordering form Schaeffer they have an app, or if you just need to make a template. It is free from thier site, Which I'm not sure the exact address, search for them or front panel designer. However if you need some Gerber file or other output I don't think this will do it, not the free version anyway....


I used kinda many programms for managing this. Everyone here has his own favourites I think.

Just one thing: A screen capture Prog is always a good thing. This way you can copy stuff from one app into another, although they´re not compatible (e.g. ever tried to export a Schaeffer file to a .jpg?  ;D ).

So I used a mixture of:

Schaeffer front panel designer (to make it 2,54 mm compatible)

Frontplattendesigner (google for it) - for making pot markings/rings

Adobe Photoshop

Other people more do like Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw or what the heck. It´s not so much a question of how dedicated some prog is, it´s more a question of how convenient you´re with it already. (At least I think so...  ::) )




Well I use Frontpanel Designer from Schaeffer. It's a bit CADdish, but easy to learn and after the learning curve it's very fast to work with.

THEN - I must say that it's better to export picture by printing that screen capture. I use CutePDF. It installs as printer and supports 600dpi resolution, and many document sizes.

Then if panel needs "post processing" - filling with certain colour, inserting bitmap pictures, I can open it in raster graphic program. At least PhotoShop and latest Paint Shop Pro open PDF files.

Bye, Moebius




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