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error 0000h again


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hi i'm havving problems with my JMD trying to program my PIC.

my setup is:

new computer:

Win ME

old computer:

win ME and Win XP

i can run linux mandrake on both machines

i cannot mesure the volteges yet because my multimeter is broken. i'm looking for replacement.

i've checked and about to doublecheck my PCB and so far it looks ok.

when i try to program my PIC it says "Programing falied at code address 0000h!"

i think all you are aware of the hex code of bootstrap: it starts with a bit of data and then the FFFF bit and then data again

when i erase the first bit of data with FFFF FFFF it stops further at the start of second bit of the data.

i can read the PIC and it comes out as FFFF = blank.

can anyone recomend something without knowing the correct voltages?

P.S. i know that there is a lot of threads about this but i didnt find an answer in all the posts (i've tried some stuff and it didnt work)

Any suggestion are welcome!!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest didifeed

there are several threads about the jdm including voltage issues.

i guess your jdm is not working. if it isn't working icprog also tells you that it reads the content. you could indicate that by the time it takes to read the content. if it's complete very fast it doesn't read anything.... or only bullshit. on my jdm it takes about 2 minutes to read the whole content.

it's also possible that you have selected the wrong I/O delay. nobody can really help you to figure out the correct value ... you have to try.


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thanx for you reply

yes it does read it in about 3 minutes, and another interesting thing, when i dissconnect the jmd from the serial cable and read it it comes out as "0000 0000 ...."

because of that i know that it reads correctly, the pic is blank, i have made some sort of DIY voltmeter using a sensetive head form an old vynil-to-tape recorder, its not accurate but it works and supprisingly when i messured the voltages the pins that needed to have 5v had only 4.6 or something like that (might be my voltmeter) and MCLR# had as little as 4.5v !!!. i connected my 20v PSU to the cap and forgot the 220 resistor, after 3 sec my zener was smoking. i cannot find a replacement in a shop but i have a heap of electronic junk but i dont know were to look (the heap is that big!!). i want to try broccoli18 but Martin and other guys dont seem to want to reply to me...

thankx for your reply.

Yarek T.

P.S. sorry for writing all in one sentence,I ont have much time you see

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Guest didifeed

i think it's already not reading the pic. i guess when it's disconnected it can't read but acts like it does ... and puts out zero. and when a faulty jdm is connected it tries to read but ready only bullshit and then it's FFFF

there must be a short somewhere because if it's working and the power supply is ok then the zener wouldn't burn. check again your pcb if everything is on the right place and the polarity of the "polarity sensitive" components.


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thanx for your reply

the zener diode has cooked only because i forgot a 220 resistor to limit the current !! i have done my JMD on a vector board so its pretty messy !! A lot messy !! i hope i didnt ruin the PIC, its 8 GBP. i'm currently focused to buy an ipod, is a bit better than MB !! :P or is it?

i cannot find a replacement zener diode (i have lots of electronic junk as i mentioned but if you tell me that i can find zeners in particular items (such is power amps, c64 or stuff like that) i might try digging into it). i will check my PCB again, but as i said its hard to find a replacement.

thanks, awainting replys.

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