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Gerber files


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Hi all,

I have tried to get a scheme together for building my MB64, I have decided to use the gerber file on the old MB64 page because I presume it has all of the AIN, DIN modules built onto one board.

I did try to download a gerber editor but I am on a slooooow link at the moment so I cant downlaod the Eagle ediotr etc. Could someone who is familiar with gerber files etc confirm that the file uder "Alternative PCB's" on the page http://www.ucapps.de/midibox64.html will get me a PCB made with all the modular parts needed for a MB64seq unit?

Thanks in advance


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Hi all,

I have tried to get a scheme together for building my MB64, I have decided to use the gerber file on the old MB64 page because I presume it has all of the AIN, DIN modules built onto one board.

I did try to download a gerber editor but I am on a slooooow link at the moment so I cant downlaod the Eagle ediotr etc. Could someone who is familiar with gerber files etc confirm that the file uder "Alternative PCB's" on the page http://www.ucapps.de/midibox64.html will get me a PCB made with all the modular parts needed for a MB64seq unit?

Thanks in advance


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