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multiplying the encoder in midibox 16e


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after having learned how to compile MIOS ASM files, i have tried to load the midibox64e application in my new sequencer.

things are going fine, but i cannot figure out how to "multipl" the encoders, i.e. using several groups.

i will explain better:

the 16 encoders are configured to output CC 0-15 and this is good.

but, pressing a button, i want to switch the CC to 16-31, 32-47, 48-63 etc..

i tried the meta events (described in midibox64e_sfb_table.txt)

FF 01 00

FF 01 01


to switch to groups 1,2,... but nothing happens, the encoder always output the same CC.

is there something i miss?

how can i configure the midibox16e application in order to use up to 128 CC messages??

i tried to understand how the meta event works, but i only found, in  the mb64e_meta.inc file, meta events which relates to thorsten an1x and nothing regarding on how to change groups/bank etc, as described in the midibox64_meta.ini and in the midibox64e_sfb_table.txt files...

is there someone who can help me!?

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maybe this section of the forum is more appropriate...

after having learned how to compile MIOS ASM files, i have tried to load the midibox64e application in my new sequencer.

things are going fine, but i cannot figure out how to "multipl" the encoders, i.e. using several groups.

i will explain better:

the 16 encoders are configured to output CC 0-15 and this is good.

but, pressing a button, i want to switch the CC to 16-31, 32-47, 48-63 etc..

i tried the meta events (described in midibox64e_sfb_table.txt)

FF 01 00

FF 01 01


to switch to groups 1,2,... but nothing happens, the encoder always output the same CC.

is there something i miss?

how can i configure the midibox16e application in order to use up to 128 CC messages??

i tried to understand how the meta event works, but i only found, in  the mb64e_meta.inc file, meta events which relates to thorsten an1x and nothing regarding on how to change groups/bank etc, as described in the midibox64_meta.ini and in the midibox64e_sfb_table.txt files...

is there someone who can help me!?

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  • 3 weeks later...


do you see the selected group at the display? If not, the button is not assigned correctly. How did you assign the meta event to the button? With the mk_syx script, or with vmidibox16e? Bear in mind that the upload via vmidibox16e doesn't work properly with all interfaces, it's better to use mk_syx which provides the new upload format

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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do you see the selected group at the display? If not, the button is not assigned correctly. How did you assign the meta event to the button? With the mk_syx script, or with vmidibox16e? Bear in mind that the upload via vmidibox16e doesn't work properly with all interfaces, it's better to use mk_syx which provides the new upload format

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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i remember i tried both with mkSyx and directly in the editor of the midibox.

when i press the button the meta event is correctly displayed, but nothing seems to happen.

monitoring the midi traffic with MIDIOX i see that when i call the meta event with the button the midibox output a sysex string, which is the same i find in the mb64e_meta.inc file and i think is related to the an1x.

so maybe there is a mistake in the meta event assignment (or you leaved the meta for the an1x in that file! :-) )

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i remember i tried both with mkSyx and directly in the editor of the midibox.

when i press the button the meta event is correctly displayed, but nothing seems to happen.

monitoring the midi traffic with MIDIOX i see that when i call the meta event with the button the midibox output a sysex string, which is the same i find in the mb64e_meta.inc file and i think is related to the an1x.

so maybe there is a mistake in the meta event assignment (or you leaved the meta for the an1x in that file! :-) )

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Hi Matteo,

the vmidibox16e editor is not compatible to the PIC18F version of MIDIbox64E, maybe thats the reason why I didn't worked. I'm currently trying to update it (Windows programming doesn't make fun!). You also have to take care for the right mk_syx version, there is a pic18f variant, did you use it?

For uploading the data I would suggest the new vsysexbox:


Just edit the midibox64e.ini example, assign the FF 01 xx (xx = bank number) to the buttons you want, type "perl mk_syx.pl midibox64e.ini" and upload the resulting .syx file with vsysexbox

Hint: by default (means: after you've uploaded the application and so long you haven't changed any MIDI event) following SFB functions are assigned to the following buttons

    17  =  FF 08 41  @OnOff   # SFB: select bank/group
    18  =  FF 08 40  @OnOff   # SFB: Select Parameter with encoder when hold
    19  =  FF 08 11  @OnOff   # SFB: Encoder in fast mode when hold
    20  =  FF 08 21  @OnOff   # SFB: Encoder in slow mode when hold

This means: so long you hold button #18, you can select the group with the first encoder, and the bank (if a bankstick is connected) with the second encoder

Just try this out in order to get familiar with the possibilities.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Matteo,

the vmidibox16e editor is not compatible to the PIC18F version of MIDIbox64E, maybe thats the reason why I didn't worked. I'm currently trying to update it (Windows programming doesn't make fun!). You also have to take care for the right mk_syx version, there is a pic18f variant, did you use it?

For uploading the data I would suggest the new vsysexbox:


Just edit the midibox64e.ini example, assign the FF 01 xx (xx = bank number) to the buttons you want, type "perl mk_syx.pl midibox64e.ini" and upload the resulting .syx file with vsysexbox

Hint: by default (means: after you've uploaded the application and so long you haven't changed any MIDI event) following SFB functions are assigned to the following buttons

    17  =  FF 08 41  @OnOff   # SFB: select bank/group
    18  =  FF 08 40  @OnOff   # SFB: Select Parameter with encoder when hold
    19  =  FF 08 11  @OnOff   # SFB: Encoder in fast mode when hold
    20  =  FF 08 21  @OnOff   # SFB: Encoder in slow mode when hold

This means: so long you hold button #18, you can select the group with the first encoder, and the bank (if a bankstick is connected) with the second encoder

Just try this out in order to get familiar with the possibilities.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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