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A very ignorant question on a critical concept


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Hello all, :)

I found this site a couple of years ago, and was blown away.  Here and there as time permits, I have laid out a design, as I have found components at the local surplus store.

I have designed a straightfoward setup with 17 faders, 60 some momentary switches, nearly the same amount of leds, 48 10k pots, and one encoder I scavenged off of an old Panasonic proffesional VCR.

I am having no problem soldering this mess together and hooking it up, and am nearing completion.

How does the MIOS work?

I have never used midi before, other than an old alesis effects unit that I controlled with a footswich. :)

I am going to use my midi-box to interface with a software called C-Console that I use to route audio on a yamaha dsp2416 card, as well as Cakewalk Sonar, that I use to record audio with.  both of these apps can learn the moves from a midi device.  How does MIOS help me to interface the midi-box with this stuff?

Do I just load the MIOS into the computer, and it recognizes the midi-box?  Is there a gui interface that I work with to make it go?

Thanks for your input, I feel a lot of anxiety with the box coming together, and me wanting to hook this stuff up, and I don't have a basic understanding of how this stuff works.

John Gregory

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Hey John, MIOS gets loaded on the PIC microprocessor on the core board, not on the computer. Once you have the core built, you burn the bootstrap loader on the PIC with a PIC programmer such as the JDM. Then you can load MIOS onto the PIC with the MIDIOX program and your midi interface. Then you load an application - in your case the MB64 application. This gets loaded via MIDIOX as well. Once you've done this, you assign CC's to your faders and events to your buttons. This can be done using the LCD, or you can use a computer editor program - like Serge's MidiBox editor. Then you would just use the learn function on your software to assign your cotrols to software functions.

One note from personal experience. Don't hook up everything you have and then try and get it running. First get your core board running and upload everything. Once it is working properly, hook up an AIN module and one of your faders, get that working, and then move on in small steps. This makes it easier to troubleshoot. Also, do you plan on using an LCD - if not, you might want to consider it as it makes troubleshooting easier.

Hope this helps - Justin

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