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Hello everyone. I built my DINx4 module but after soldering everything I'm in terror of burning the circuit by applying voltage. I get strange readings when I check resistance values of the IC sockets. I don't know if that's normal, but when I test the 4 middle pins of the sockets there's a resistance of 20Kohm between them.. I suppose every pin should be completely isolated from the other. I triple checked the solderings and there's no tin between the tracks. Thanks  

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Stupid? never.  ;)

I used to troubleshoot video game board sets that sometimes had 200+ chips spread over two double-sided boards.  Most of those have a bypass capacitor from +5v to ground next to every chip.  Trying to track down a short was anti-fun, considering that each of the caps tests like a short on the meter!

Paranoid is good when dealing with electronics, unless you have tons of money and time to burn.  

Paranoid forces you to learn more than just what part goes where, that's always a good thing.   :)



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