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SPST Toggles

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Hello, I am close to finishing my midibox16 using Martins PCB. I have hooked up the LCD and Menu Buttons/Switches. The LCD and Menu pushbuttons work fine, but the preset select toggles are doing weird things. I had trouble finding on/off SPST toggles so I used on/on toggles. I just used 2 of the 3 pins, assuming this would act as an on/off switch. When I switch a toggle on the number just keeps rotating from 1-16 till I switch it off. Was I right in thinking I could use on/on toggles?



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Hello, I am close to finishing my midibox16 using Martins PCB. I have hooked up the LCD and Menu Buttons/Switches. The LCD and Menu pushbuttons work fine, but the preset select toggles are doing weird things. I had trouble finding on/off SPST toggles so I used on/on toggles. I just used 2 of the 3 pins, assuming this would act as an on/off switch. When I switch a toggle on the number just keeps rotating from 1-16 till I switch it off. Was I right in thinking I could use on/on toggles?



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Hi Justin,

which firmware are you using? The "bb" version (BankButton) version requires the same buttons like the menu navigation. If these buttons are working fine, the others should do it also.

It's important that the contacts of the button are not closed when they are depressed. Do you own a measuring instrument or something else in order to check the contacts? With three pins you have just only 3 possibilities ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Justin,

which firmware are you using? The "bb" version (BankButton) version requires the same buttons like the menu navigation. If these buttons are working fine, the others should do it also.

It's important that the contacts of the button are not closed when they are depressed. Do you own a measuring instrument or something else in order to check the contacts? With three pins you have just only 3 possibilities ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's important that the contacts of the button are not closed when they are depressed.

Does that mean that when the button is pushed they should be silent? Following the advice given in the MB walkthrough; the buttons i got are the ones that beep continueous when pressed, and silent when open(hooked up to a dmm)...

Have i got the wrong ones...:/

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It's important that the contacts of the button are not closed when they are depressed.

Does that mean that when the button is pushed they should be silent? Following the advice given in the MB walkthrough; the buttons i got are the ones that beep continueous when pressed, and silent when open(hooked up to a dmm)...

Have i got the wrong ones...:/

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