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testing dout din boards

Guest paulrevelcet

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Guest paulrevelcet

I have 8 switches and on my din board and 8 leds hooked up to my dout board, both appear to be in the unworking state, my core appears to be fine, as far as up loading and and down loading via midi,is there any way to make sure my midio .syx is up loading properly? or is there some other way to test the core The leds do flash momentarily when the core is first powered on and my lcd shows the mios version and then says ready, but nothing I do seems to have an effect on the lcd or the din, or dout states. I am using the stock midio syx so programming is not the issue. Any suggestions?

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Ok, if your LCD says MIOS 1.7 and then says ready, that means that MIOS is loaded, but no other application. You need to upload an application via syx, before your din or dout boards will be used. Send the main.syx file  from midio128_v2_1a.zip to your core, using MidiOx, or the new sysex tool. Hook up your DIN to the core and then press some buttons, you should get some midi events in MidiOx.


p.s. if you make changes to the code, you need to re-assemble the project, convert the hex top syx using the convert.bat, and then send the main.syx file.

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Guest paulrevelcet

I have tried to upload the midio128 .syx  like a million times but I cant tell if it has uploaded or not , I know my midi is working because I have no trouble uploading mios, I have tried that several times and each time I do, it reboots and shows me the mios ver. number and then says ready, but when I upload an app. like relay.syx or midio128.syx I get nothing.  any ideas???


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midio128.syx or relay.syx doesn't contain the application code, but only the configuration data.

You've to upload the main.syx file of the MIDIO128 application package first (-> see http://www.ucapps.de/mios_download.html). Thereafter the DINs will send MIDI events, and the appr. LEDs will light on a pressed button (and they are also controllible via MIDI)

With the .syx files of the mk_syx package you will be able to change the MIDI events which are related to the buttons/LEDs

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Guest paulrevelcet

So that's what was wrong, I can't belive I didn't see that, now all is almost right with the world, I can see the note changes on the lcd and my din board works, but sitll no led changes on the dout, I can change there state in the .ini file and that works but I can't seem to get them to work with note commands, is there something else im missing?

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Guest paulrevelcet

I got it working!!! Everything is working great, thanks everyone for your help, I would have never figured out how to get this working, I think I might wright a tutorial for the midio 128 when I get a chance, some of the steps you have to follow are scattered throughout this site and some steps assume you know how to use a computer, it's been a great experience and as soon as I get the animatronics up and running I will have some pics, thanks again everyone and god bless.

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