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Starting point for a Nuendo controller

Guest bauman

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My name's Fabio Bauman, I'm a newbie to this forum. I'm excited to build a controller to Steinberg Neundo, seems that there are a lot of options and way to go, I promisse to read the material on the forum but I'd like to ask for some starting points to head to  a good box.

Maybe a LC emulating a Mackie Control? Any suggestion appreciated.

I'm impressed with the pics I'm seeing at ucapps for a while...



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My name's Fabio Bauman, I'm a newbie to this forum. I'm excited to build a controller to Steinberg Neundo, seems that there are a lot of options and way to go, I promisse to read the material on the forum but I'd like to ask for some starting points to head to  a good box.

Hello and welcome B!  Good to see some of the Lab boys finally making it over this direction..... ;)

Maybe a LC emulating a Mackie Control?

Probably your best bet.

I do know that there have been some changes in control surface handling on the Mac versions of Nuendo within the last few releases but I don't know the specifics.  (I'm still running Nuendo in os9, since that is where my rather exensive plugins live)

Have fun!


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Thanks for the reply.

Are you using a LC box with your Nuendo?

I'll then go for the LC, a lot to read first...



No, but I have a different workflow than most Nuendo/DAW users, and I don't really need a full control surface for the way I use it.  (full explanation below)

I do use a small custom MIDIbox to setup and control some of my plugins though. ;)


Mic->Pre->Fostex HD recorder->Mac(via fostex' ethernet as wav files)->Nuendo(track "sweetening", eq, normalization, test/daily composite mixes, etc)->back to the Fostex(via ethernet as wav files)->Yamaha analog console for mixdown to tape or to stand-alone CD recorder (via analog outputs)

This way I never mix anything final in Nuendo, it serves me more as an effects engine that can do some heavy editing if needed.  The reason for the extra effort is that while Nuendo sounds great, way better than protools, it still sums everything digitally at mixdown (like all DAWs).  

Digital summing always sounds bad to me, Kinda like nearfield monitors with plastic cabinets vs. good monitors.  None of the DAWs sum your mix as well as a good old analog mixing desk.  Every time I have done an A-B test with music mixed to final in Nuendo vs. mixed to final in the analog realm, the difference was staggering.  The DAW version was clean, there, etc. but some of the dynamics are lost (most noticably reverb tails).  The analog version on the other hand sounds full, clean, musical dynamics and reverb tails intact, with all of the power and punch that you don't realize is missing from the DAW mixdown. ;)

Whoop sorry for the topic hijack!



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Hey Smash,

My master plan  (!!!) ;D is to have a basic box to start with, them integrate it on the analog console I'm doing, expanding the faders and keeping the control at center as usual. It'll be a 24 channel board with API, Neve, Pultec, 1176, optocompressor circuits. I want to take advantage of the Nuendo automation, editing and efx capability BUT in the end it will be like a tape machine. I'll hit play and mix using the board, then back to SPDIF to save the mix. I also have a Tascam 16 tracks 1/2" that can be sync'd to Nuendo to dirty thing up :) Still need some 24 outs interface to do that.

But for now I'll be freaking happy with 8 faders, scroll, and tape machine controls.



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Hey Bauman!!

welcome to midibox :)

Your master plan sounds similar to console I've been recently dreamin of - especially after gettin my toes wet with some tasty analog outboard (daArry on lab 'ere btw ;p)

Have u peeped that SSL AWS 900? Summing like I was thinking, but in a modular approach like u mentioned :D

What 'appen to that sontec page btw :P

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Thanks for the Welcome dude.  Happy to join the fun!

Have u peeped that SSL AWS 900? Summing like I was thinking, but in a modular approach like u mentioned

Yep, actually my dream console... let me start with a 8 channel :)

Trouble enough for now...

 What 'appen to that sontec page btw

oh, it's up and running, right here:




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