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tianma TM402CDAU6


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hi, i'm using a tianma TM402CDAU6 2x40 lcd from b.g. micro.  it uses a ks0066 controller, but that shouldn't be a problem.  i can't seem to get anything to show up on  the display from my sid synth, though.  the backlight works fine and the contrast pot has a *slight* effect on the pixels.  just wondering if anyone else has been able to successfully incorporate this lcd model into their midibox.



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MIOS automatically supports HD44780. It supports other controller, but I don't see ks0066 anywhere on the LCD page:


If you want to use an alternate display that is supported, you need to change the PIC ID to match it.

If you want to use an alternate display that is not supported, you need to write your own display driver code.

See :http://avi.dezines.com/mbhp/idgen.html


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KS0066 is HD44780 "compatible" and _should_ work with standard MIOS driver.  ::)

Sooo, check once again your LCD <-> core wiring against LCD datasheet and core schematics.

Bye, Moebius

yeah, see, that's what i thought.  i mean, regardless if i change the mios to work with my screen size, etc., i should see SOMETHING, right?  i have checked my wiring a number of times...   the original question still stands, though: has anyone gotten this particular model to work with their midibox?  i know i'm not the only one on this board who has purchased one.  i mean, thorsten put the bg micro link on one of the pages.

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