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Revive FloorBoard project


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Hi everybody.

What about reviving the Floorboard project?

Here's what I plan to do :

1) Redesign the harware part to suit my needs (and yours ;) comments are welcome!) using the modules already available plus special ones if needed (I think about something special...but we'll see that later)

2) Port the actual firmware to MIOS and PIC18F452

3) Enhance the resulting application to handle the new features found in the hardware.

As it is my first midibox, I need to build a test & developement platform. I began by redesigning the JDM board today (hum yesterday :o ) and going on with the rest of the minimal harware : Core, DIN and DOUT modules because I hate those nasty wires under the boards :P

Here's where you can find my current and upcoming work :


Once this platform will be made I'll concentrate on the developpement.

Hope I'm welcome to do so ???

I'm short in time to clear the details but I'll post these later on :)

Don't blame me for my bad english  :-[ I'm french  ;D

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Hi Pilo!

Actually the board I've designed handles an external PSU using the method shown in the ucapps.de JDM page (on the bottom in section "troubleshooting"). A regulator isn't needed as the zener diodes are limiting the voltage correctly : 5.1+8.7=13.8V (I assume so ;) )

I've also included the pull-down resistor needed to flash PIC18F4X2 models.

I've not built my board yet but I'll post some feedback about this method.

Cheers, Raphaël

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Guest krixtofer

Since I am a total newbie to this forum I beg for acceptance of any misfortunate exclaims that I may be responsible of.

As a wannabe guitarist I propose that you have at least a volumepedal and/or expressionpedal to be able to use this for instance with a POD or V-AMP.

If there are any possibilities for it could the display be used to get the information that is visible on the POD or equal device? ( As I was thinking of starting my career in this field with a project like this I would rather see that it is kept simple, but it would be a nice feature if possible.)

Best regards:


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Hi krixtofer!

I effectively think about including a volume/expression control pedal but this won't be done before a long time because I prefer to concentrate on a simple design to begin and then implement those cool features.

I'll keep it in mind for future improvements ;)

...wait and see

About the displaying infos from the POD, I think it's impossible because (afaik) it doesn't  send its state through midi. So there's no easy way to know what to display :-/

Cheers, Raphaël

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Maybe I am misunderstanding something, but I think what you want is already easily done with MidiBox64. The only thing you need to do is substitute foot switches for the buttons. You can use the AIN module to incorparate a Volume/Expression pedal. Any customisation would only have to be done in the midi messages sent by the buttons(footswitches).


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Hi Thorsten Klose,

First i'd like to thank you for your GREAT work!!!

Man, you rule ;)

I'd like to try writing some code using C but I'm still learning the basics of this language ::)

I pretty much confident with ASM since I've already  coded some stuff in ASM on a 68HC11, I assume the gap between 68xx ASM and PIC ASM isn't that big, right?

I'll try both because writing some code in C seems a good challenge to me  8)

Anyway, I'm waiting for some missing parts from my local dealer (inluding the PIC  >:( ) but I'll begin the developpement testings as soon as it arrives :D

Cheers, Raphaël

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hey i am going to make a floor bord and an loop box for a friend

going to use 1 CORE + ½ DIN  + ½ DOUT and an display

he wants it to work in a simarly way as skrydstrups sc-1 and mr8 (see http://www.skrydstrup.dk/home.htm

2 buttons ( song up down)

5 buttons ( preset 1- 5 )

8 buttons ( for loops )

1 button for programming mode

the loop buttons are only going to be used when he want to enable/disable an loop that is not in a preset

and when the programming button is pressed to program song titles and preesets for that song

the loop box i haven't thought so much about

i have just ordered the parts but i am going soon home for x-mas hollyday so i wil not start to put it together until next year

am planning to program i C as my asm is minimal

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I'ts funny to hear about this 'not so known' product and brand because it's the one that made me think 'hey what about building a floorboard on my own? It might not be so difficult!'

I first heard about this product from John Petrucci's mouth in the Dream Theater Live at budokan DVD  bonus when he's talking about his setup :o

So a night, searching the web for good stuff to start the project, I found the ucapps.de site ... you know what's happening next ;)

I don't want to carbon copy their design nor the way their box works but we can share some code and design if you want.

I want far more buttons, displays and gear  ::)

It's all designed in my head ... i'll write this down later (I also have to sleep and work)

Glad to see that there are still some guitarists outside in that DJs jungle! (Don't misunderstand  me I like DJ works but I'm a musician ... )

Seeya, Raphaël

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Hi Raphael

Great to hear

i am not a musician my self

Just a friend of one :-)

And i know a little electronics and programming so he asked me

I will just make it work the way my friend asks me to do it

But maybe i can convince him to make it another way if you have an good idea for a really god product

i have been looking at your site and it would be nice to get some idea of

What you want your floor board to do

Specs buttons displays functions gear??

Are you also planning to make a loop box or just a floor board?

I have been searching the net to find out what to use to switch between the pedals in the loop box

My friend is concerned about the sound quality

And is afraid that if I use relays it will come clicks/pops  

I have found a Analog switch from analog devices (ssn2402) that looks to bee perfect but it is really really expensive

So I was wondering if there was somebody that has some info on another way to do it

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I'm actually building a developpement platform to check the feasibility of my wonderful ideas ;)

a really god product

Is it a typo??  ::) ;D

Anyway, here's what I'm thinking about (and maybe dreaming :D ) :

- Big alphanumeric or dot-matrix LED based display for song titles and patch number  ...

- Up and down bank buttons

- A tap button for setting effect speed (essentially for delays)

- 10 preset buttons (rock solid !!!)

- A LED per preset button indicating the active preset

- 10 to 20 parameters buttons (I don't know yet)

- 3 or 4 characters alphanumeric or dot-matrix LED displays for each parameter button indicating the function assigned (like REV/CHO/DLY/WHA ...)

- Dual color LED per parameter button indicating the ON/OFF state

- MIDI IN and OUT :P

- 2 to 4 relay-controlled jacks for amp channel switching

- 2 to 4 external controller inputs to connect standard guitar volume pedals controlling MIDI parameters (like Volume, WHA ... )

- 3 or 4 characters alphanumeric or dot-matrix LED displays for each external controller input indicating the function assigned

- The software must be capable of sending multiple program-changes/control-changes/whatever on multiple channels on an input event

- PC based user interface on a 1st step and a PIC based next

- Maybe include a coffee machine (just kidding)

Here it is, I'm open to any suggestions except the coffee machine part :P

I don't own pedals so I was not thinking about a switcher and won't be developping one soon.

Cheers, Raphaël

EDIT : I have updated my site to reflect these thoughts ;)

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