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Some help on touch sensors PLZ!


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Hello everybody

Happy new year first of all

I have finished my LC with the PANASONIC MF's

The problem: I need touch sensors. But I am no sure for the connection. The one pin of the switch will end up in the last DINX4 but the other pin sould it be ground or +5v?

Maybe I am totaly wrong

So please advise


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Since the touch function works by grounding when you touch it which gives a difference in potential, I would say, you have to connect them to ground. I don't know about you should connect it over a resistor.

Please search the archives... I think I once have seen a post, concerning this.

Greets, Roger

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the panasonic mf's dont have a touch track, u need to use buttons connected as norm to din, then just set em as mios emulated touchtracks...

From lc_io_table.inc:

      ;; 16th shift register
      ;;      button                  LED
      db      ID_FADER_TOUCH_CHN1,      ID_IGNORE            ; (no LED supported by host)
      db      ID_FADER_TOUCH_CHN2,      ID_IGNORE            ; (no LED supported by host)
      db      ID_FADER_TOUCH_CHN3,      ID_IGNORE            ; (no LED supported by host)
      db      ID_FADER_TOUCH_CHN4,      ID_IGNORE            ; (no LED supported by host)
      db      ID_FADER_TOUCH_CHN5,      ID_IGNORE            ; (no LED supported by host)
      db      ID_FADER_TOUCH_CHN6,      ID_IGNORE            ; (no LED supported by host)
      db      ID_FADER_TOUCH_CHN7,      ID_IGNORE            ; (no LED supported by host)
      db      ID_FADER_TOUCH_CHN8,      ID_IGNORE            ; (no LED supported by host)

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