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SEQ :4*16 butons


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hello , i just want to know how to add 3 rows of buttons for each track in seq v2.

how i have to do to make this additionnal buttons directly calling the step edit functions for the track even if another track is selected with the "tracks buttons".

do you understand?

i mean i can easily add 3*16 "GP" buttons (without other purpose than step edit functions) ,but what the interest if i'm obliged to select the track to edit before!!!!

someone can help me to program the "seq_buttons.inc"?

if it's impossible ,can i build a 4 * seq v2 (with 4 cores) that share parameters as tempo ,pattern change ,sync and other system functions with only one data wheel?

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thats no simple change. Maybe it works without much effort by changing SEQ_SELECTED_TRKS depending on the row of button you've pressed before branching to SEQ_GP_Button, but I'm not sure if this will cause side effects. And I'm especially not able to test such a change...

4 x MBSEQ: it's possible to synchronize the sequencers via MIDI clock, and you could also control all parameters from external via CC, but it's not possible to control the "slaves" from one user interface (e.g. to display the values of other sequencer on the master displays)

The first suggestion is madeble... but the problem is that I'm not able to test such changes with my own hardware. Therefore it has to be done by yourself.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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excuse me ,what you mean exactly ,i have to add some line to call    "SEQ_SELECTED_TRKS" for each buttons  before calling the " SEQ_GP_Buttons                                



movlw      0    ;;(or 1 ,2 , 3)

     rgoto      SEQ_BUTTON_Trackx_Cont


     movlw      0x10

     rgoto      SEQ_BUTTON_GP_Cont

i don't understand where you "arm" a track.

what's that  , in the "seq_gp" file:


     ;; check if track selected"""""""""  

may be it will be easier with this ,

and can multiple cores share one datawheel and some butons like layers or track select ,as i don't care if all the cores move to the selected functions at the same time . i just want to be able to edit four tracks at the same time ,as if it was one track.(to  play chords for example or record multiple CC's) .It would be possible if each core have his own  lcd ?

what will happend if i connect a datawheel to two or more DIN  ?and for buttons.

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you could write:

      movlw      0x00
      rgoto      SEQ_BUTTON_GP_Cont_Trk2

;; ...
      movlw      0x00
      rgoto      SEQ_BUTTON_GP_Cont_Trk2

;; ...

      ;; was the SEQ_BUTTON_GP_Cont before
        movwf   MIOS_PARAMETER1
      movlw      1 << 0            ; select first track
      movwf      SEQ_SELECTED_TRKS, BANKED
        goto    SEQ_GP_Button

      ;; for GP17..31
        movwf   MIOS_PARAMETER1
      movlw      1 << 1            ; select second track
      movwf      SEQ_SELECTED_TRKS, BANKED
        goto    SEQ_GP_Button

      ;; for GP32..47
        movwf   MIOS_PARAMETER1
      movlw      1 << 2            ; select third track
      movwf      SEQ_SELECTED_TRKS, BANKED
        goto    SEQ_GP_Button

      ;; for GP48..63
        movwf   MIOS_PARAMETER1
      movlw      1 << 3            ; select forth track
      movwf      SEQ_SELECTED_TRKS, BANKED
        goto    SEQ_GP_Button

this requires SEQ_BUTTON_GPxx functions. I'm not sure if this is an elecant solution (for so many buttons it's better to decode the shift registers directly), but maybe you are able to find the best solution by yourself once you got the chance to get more into programming.

I don't understand where you "arm" a track.

what's that  , in the "seq_gp" file:


;; check if track selected"""""""""  

the reason is that you are normaly able to select multiple tracks at once in order to make changes on these tracks with a single button push. This won't work with your plans anymore (therefore in my oppinion using only 16 buttons --- but 64 LEDs of course --- is the most ergonomic way).

and can multiple cores share one datawheel and some butons like layers or track select ,as i don't care if all the cores move to the selected functions at the same time .

No, this isn't possible, since the cores are not running totally in-sync. Means: it cannot be ensured that if one core samples a logic-1 or logic-0, the other sees this logic state at the same clock cycle. And once this happens (and it will happen several times per second), it could be that one core handles an encoder event one mS later than the other

i just want to be able to edit four tracks at the same time ,as if it was one track.(to  play chords for example or record multiple CC's) .It would be possible if each core have his own  lcd ?

But you can already edit four tracks at the same time with a single MIDIbox SEQ, just select the appr. tracks with the track buttons.

I've an important suggestion to you: don't think about such "problems" before you've built a very basic MIDIbox SEQ in order to get some impressions about the current handling. If you think that it isn't sufficient for your needs, you can always extend the basic setup if required. And you are able to play with the code in order to get some programming experience.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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