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DYNAMIC touch sensor

Guest magion

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Hi, I have one big question - PLEASE do you know where to find dynamic touch sensor (similar as used in MIDI pad or in dynamic MIDI keyobards)? I want to built with my friend small midi controler and  we would like to use there also dynamic pads for drumming and playing samples...

I dont know who is selling it or where to find. PLease help us.

Thank you very very very much much!

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Hi Smash,

thanks very much, but I am trying to find something different than piezo sensor. I have already done one FINGER drum MIDI pad instrument (on picture), where I used the piezo sensor and roland PM-16 for converting signal to MIDI. But I found big problem with piezo sensitivity for all sounds arround - when I take it into the loud space it trigger even when I didn t hit it. Sometimes trigger different pad because of big vibration of whole instrument. It wasnt stable and usable for me.

I want to make drum pads for FINGERS - somethink like on AKAI MPC series... please have you any idea how to do it?

Thank you very much,

all the best



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So simple quetsion: do you know how to built dynamic MIDI keyboard?

Do you know where to find the dynamic sensitive component - the same as used in dynamic keyboards? (not piezo)?

Thank you very much - I am trying to find it long time...  I hope on this forum is somebody who know it.


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I'm not quite sure what you mean by "dynamic" here... are you looking for a 2D+pressure sensitive touchpad, like the one in the Moog Voyager?

Back in university, I was experimenting with such a beast, made by a company called Tactex.  In fact, I was using it to control the cutoff frequency and resonance of the SID (it's the SIDgroove project referenced in TK's SID links).  IIRC the Voyager uses a touchpad made by them, but I'm not 100% sure.

They have both an OEM product and a commercial touchpad available - see http://www.tactex.com/STC.htm

Their products were always quite expensive, though, so I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for.

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Most velocity sensitive keyboards and pads are just 2 switches.

This isn't true for any channel pressure/aftertouch sensitive keyboard - and certainly not for pads.

I don't know about sensors used in the keyboards or the pads, thought.

MPC's have velocity AND pressure sensitive pads, so it would be nice to know how they work--

Bye, Moebius

p.s. Akai has released MPD 16 - a standalone 4x4 usb/midi drum pad controller, that's pretty cheap.. Don't know if it has pressure sensitivity.

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But I found big problem with piezo sensitivity for all sounds arround - when I take it into the loud space it trigger even when I didn t hit it. Sometimes trigger different pad because of big vibration of whole instrument. It wasnt stable and usable for me.

Piezo based pads can be made to work fairly efectivly if they are designed to cut down of picking up vibration from loud areas.  


this design is a fairly good example of one way of cuting down of vibration.

I would say that the main advantages of using a piezo based solution is that the trigers will be dirt cheep, and also the work in doing interfaces for them has already been done.

One idea i had for keyboard type aplications would be a strain gage superglued to the surface of a hacksaw blade (or some other springy bit of stuff) The keys on the keyboard could be aranged to bend the hacksaw blade, giving voltage output,  this would mean that you would have to program some sort of timeing routine that mesured how long the voltage took to change between 2 set values.  But the advantage would be that you could use this setup to give you aftertouch as well.

A variation on this you could use just one strain gage to give you CV voltages for some sort of microtonal therimin type instument.


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Thanks to all.

Definitely piezo is not good solution for me - I want make somethink like alternative keyboard for fingers - not for druming with sticks. So the shown isolation from vibration is too big - but sure works good.

I really want to make the same princip as is in the keyboard - there is usualy three systems as I know - speed sensitive, presure sensitive and aftertouch sensitive (sorry it is the hard tranlation of the word used for it in my language - maybe you use some different name for it - i am not sure). On simple dynamic keyboard is used speed sensitive and it is just enough for me.

to: Preben_Friis : do know how to built the system that you described - it sounds good - it is the probably the classic speed sensitive keyboard. Probably the time counting will be problematic....or not?

to: Shed  - thanks it sounds good too - I will discuss it with my friend - elctromaniac super engineer - I am musician and I dont understant the electricity too much.


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