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(another) Newbie questions before starting a MIDIbox SID


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Hi to all,

I've been thinking of building a MIDIbox SID for months and now  I'll make the big jump. I live in France,  I'm new to electronics and I don't know much, except that I've already soldered components in my my life ;)

Basically what I want to do is that:

A Midibox SID with two 8580, mainly for stereo use. I want to have a LCD, some knobs and of course midi in, out and thru (if that last one isn't two difficult to add).

I've browse the site but I'm still confused on what part I need.

I'll probably buy some premade kits (from http://avi.dezines.com/mbhp/index.html probably)

1 ) So what do I need for what I want:

      2x CORE Kits

      2x SID Kits

      1x DIN Kits

      1x DOUT Kits

      1x 2x20 LCD (btw is this one ok  http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=5746937894&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT ?)

      5x Rotary encoders (with switch ??)

      1 small PCB for the LCD

      LEDs ?

      What else ?

2)  I got a c128 without power supply. I'll get a second c128. Can I use the C128 power supply for the whole project ? Is a C64 power supply better ?

3) Since I plan to order kits, what about the PIC18F452 bootloader/PIC ID header thing ? I didn't understand that. There is an option when you order  to have it programmed. How do they have to be programmed ? Both PIC programmed the same ?

4) Then once I got all  the parts, is it just a question of putting them together and solder (more or less of course, I understand that since every MIDIBox is custom made, issues are inevitable, specially as far as power is concerned) ?

5)Do the kits include all the parts ? For instance are DIN sockets included for the MIDI in/out ?

Another stupid question:  where do the audio plugs fit in the scheme ?? Is it simply a question of soldering one plug from the SID PCB to the audio plug ? Jack ones are preferred ?

6) Off topic: Is the MIDI FM easier/ as easier/ more complicated to realize ? For I just listened to the demos and I'm really impressed and it's the kind of sound I'm into.

7) Thanks for reading and being my guide. I'm really sorry if these questions have been addressed already. If I should read the all archive instead of asking newbie questions, just let me know.

Cheers  8)


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i'll try to answer your questions one by one:

1) parts list looks fine.  if you want midi through you'll need the LTC module.  look at the ucapps.de site for more info on that.  that LCD you listed should be fine.  you list rotary encoders, but I suggest you use buttons for most things.  rotary encoders will work as buttons if you want, but i don't think you really need that many encoders.  you'll also need midi sockets and audio jacks.  also, you'll need wire and a case.  make sure to get caps for the encoders also.  and buttons!

2) c64 supply is much better and i don't think the c128 supply will work.  search the archive, there was a recent post that discussed this issue.

3) yes, smashTV (who you're planning on ordering from) will program them for you if you want.  make sure to indicate that at checkout though.  as far as i know, both PICs will need to be programmed with the loader.

4) yes, for the most part.  you will have to customize the code to fit your needs, as well as wiring the controls, but worry about that when the time comes.

5) the kits include all board mount parts.  that means that the boards will be complete, but anything that you'd wire to the external surface of the box (buttons, encoders, DIN sockets for MIDI) need to be ordered separately.  as far as audio goes: yes, all you have to do is solder one wire to the audio out of the jack and wire the ring (the outside of the audio jack) to ground.  any 1/4 inch audio jack will work, really.  a few months ago, i answered this question and gave the part numbers that i use.  if you can't find it in the archive (search for my posts if you want) let me know and i'll try to dig it up.

6) the midibox FM project isn't finished yet.

7) YES, you should always read the archive first.  i'm trying to answer all of your questions here to give more experienced users a break, but everyone will tell you that most of what you want to know is in the archive.  use the search button...it gives other people a break and you get answers right away.  :)

hope that helps

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most people are not afraid of answering twice at this place... ;)

this is no "rtfm community"...but don't expect torsten or anyone to be an automatic anwering machine ;D

to make it a little bit clearer...

3) you have to have both PICs programmed, both have to have the bootloader first as said.

But one acts as a master and the other as a slave, so they have to be programmed DIFFERENTLY i.e. different IDs to make them adressable for the application upload...

happy building!



PS: you can have a lot of fun "recycling" electronics waste! look out for knobs, enclosures and buttons, some of the most expensive parts in the MB projects ::)

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About the MIDI DIN sockets: if you are ordering the kits from Claudia's, you will get the sockets in the Core kit.

So you don't have to search them from somewhere else (I did - and after getting my 2 Cores I ended up with 4 surplus MIDI sockets).  :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for your replies and sorry for the delay...

Now, I've thought about all that over and over and I decided to make a simple SID for a start but with some enhance control surface.

What I'd like is to have the modulation matrix mainly, along with some basic rotaries for cutoff, reso etc.

From what I understood,  1 Din module makes it possible to have either 16 knobs or 32 buttons. Is it possible to have on one Din for instance 8 knobs and 16 buttons ?

8) So for 1 sid with LCD and Matrix I need at least 6 + 15 buttons = 21 buttons. If it's possible to mix buttons and knobs in one DIN, there is room for 5 knobs, am I right ? One is reserved  for menu navigation and thus 4 are left to be mapped to anyting I want

9) Now, the important question I asked myself is: Is it possible to change the mapping of these 4 knobs whenever I want or do they have to be mapped in the  cs_menu_etcetc file once and for all ? For instance can I have the first button to be mapped to cutoff in one patch and then assign it to env 1 attack  in another  patch (or even change it in the same patch) ? In that case 4 encoders could be enough to have fun and control all the parameters...

10) What I need in that case:

1x Core, 1x SID, 1x DIN, 21 buttons, 5 knobs, 54 leds (for the matrix) -> 2x DOUT or 1 ?  1 Bankswitch.

Is it correct ?

11) I don't have a C64 power supply. Is it better and cheaper to try to get one second hand or to buy another  one ? What kind of ? I didn't understand the bit about the 2 power supplies that are needed for the SID

12) I intend to buy at smartTV so that they burn the bootloader. But what number do I have to give. I  looked at the Pic ID calculator. Sysex I'll left to 00 since I only have one SID, right ? But what should I chose for LCD  ? and I/O type ? I guess for the later If I don't have the LTC I have to chose Midi. Once the bootloader is burnt I'll be able to update it simply by sending sysex, right ?

So these are the questions I have before ordering. Once you helped me with that I'll be able to place the order... Thanx in advance  :D

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