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Newbie question_To what extent can the soldering be minimized?


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Hi guys,

I'm new to this forum

i don't know exactly where to post this question, so here goes...

i'm very intrigued by the MIDI SEQ 16 project,(especially the randomize functions)  but i have never built an electronic device. I wonder, can the boards/parts/ be bought somewhere and just be assembled, you know, with a minimum amount of soldering, so i won't screw up by messing with single electronic components and maximize my chance on succes ?

So i can concentrate on assembling everything in a 19 inch Rack and have it really work...

thx !


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hey jitterbug, ( nice one  8))!

ok here goes; first of all try to read as much of the info on the website (about MIOS, the parts about the MBSEQ and it's options, and the MB hardware modules you'll need(core, din, dout, (LCD) are the most important for mbseq).

Looking through relevant threads in the forum also helps, there's a lot of information there.

I wonder, can the boards/parts/ be bought somewhere and just be assembled, you know, with a minimum amount of soldering, so i won't screw up by messing with single electronic components and maximize my chance on succes ?

On the "module" pages on the website you will find construction tips aswell as links to kit suppliers like SmashTV; he sells all the pcb's/boards+IC's+other components that are phisically on the boards as kits, and has (cheap) encoders.

The cables, tools, lcd's, pushbuttons, casing and maybe some stuff i forgot have to be bought somewhere else (try ebay for lcd's) 

about the soldering, you can't avoid it  ;) (mbseq will have A LOT of wires) but i think that starting with the pcb/kits minimizes the amount of soldering and the risk of screwing up (thanks to the soldermask and component legend). If you never soldered before you could practice a bit (most electronic mailorders have cheap hobby/diy electronics kits)or let sombody show you how. It isn't that hard though.

good luck, marcel

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thx for your reply,

I'm doing as suggested: there is a welth of information on these pages and i first need to familiarize with all the terms used (remember, i'm new)

anyway, I'm planning on buying a PIC with the bootstrap loader already on there, so i can upload/update via MIDI.

I'm thinking of ordering some PCB's with Claudia's MIDI shop in germany. we'll see. i I already bought a new soldering iron and went down to the local electronica shop to see samee cases.

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