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classy 3 way switch


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I am looking for an " alternative" more classy  or  luxury  feeling 3 way  rocker/slide ? switch

and was wondering if somebody has an idea or a link on a  product ?  :)

It also must be kind of small  but still  needs to be switchable with one fingertip ?!

I know  these ones, and that they also come with a round and silver tip, but I seek more modern and better  ;D


I imagine may be something like a modern car window opener, but of course only a third of their size or so -

but that is only one idea - I m looking for more ideas.

it must switch on/on/on

thanks you for your participation


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or may be like this - only smaller and without the housing ?

It needs to be a 1-2-3 though the one in the pic is a 1-0-2


I "simply" want to replace the typical mini toggle switches for something with a more fancy  design and action

it still needs to have a somewhat instant access action - digital step through is no good

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