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soldering 7805/Crystal


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Im building the midibox16+, having alot of fun doing it.

In regards to the 7805 Voltage regulator...do i just solder wires directly to the posts on this thing? i cant squeeze them into the holes on my board (ive been using on eof those boards with conductive strips on side, very helpful!). Also, which is post 1 2 and 3 as labelled in the schematic?

The crystal too...do i just solder wires directly to the posts?

thanks yall


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Hi Jeff,

yes, thats ok. The pin numbers can be seen in the new PCB preview: http://www.ucapps.de/tmp/mplus_new_pcb.gif (note that this board is a little bit different from the current schematic, but the power supply circuit is the same). Maybe you should use a small drill or a screw driver to enlarge the holes for the 7805.

The crystal hasn't a certain direction, yes you can solder them directly to the pins

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thorsten i hate to keep bothering you but all these replies seem to confuse me further. I was using a different schematic for the power supply (the one that shows two different ways to build it).

I dont see this 2200uf thingy on the ones i have and i dont see the commutator on the one you have. right now i have the power supply built with four diodes (some cris crossing each other) and a 470 and 33 cap (will put the 7805 in tomorrow).

so am i doing this correctly? i would really hate to get the thing built and fry all the chips right away.

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Yes, everything is perfect! The reason why there are different components on the new board is that I'm trying to unify all MIDIbox designs in order to avoid any confusion :-)

Is it clear now how the 7805 has to be connected? I refered to the layout because it shows the pinning of the 7805: I (input side), _ (ground), O (output/+5V side)

Important hint: use sockets! Solder all components to the board but don't put the PIC, 4051 and optocoupler into the socket so long as you ensured (with a multimeter or something else) that the voltage level behind the 7805 is +5V. If this is ensured, you can put the ICs into the sockets without danger

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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