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Ver.1 or or 2 MBSid?


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Hmmm... I've just (almost) built my SID (6581) module and I'm missing some capacitors in my Claudia kit.

I notice that the .pdf for the schematic at ucapps.de is ver. 1 while the Eagle layout data is ver. 2. There are some differences. Will I be OK if I go strictly by the layout data (ver. 2)? In that case I'll have to  get the extra capacitors that were missing from my Claudia kit. I'm missing the following:

One 470pF (C4 in my case)

One 1nF (C6 in my case)

Also C9 on schematic (ver. 1) is a 2200uF/16V (as was delivered), but a 1000uF/25V on the Eagle layout data (ver. 2). This is too confusing for a newbie like me.

Would anyone step in and shed some light over this?



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Hi Mikael,

can you please inform Mike and Claudia about this mistake?

Schematic and layout are matching, but the values in the eagle file are not up-to-date due to different requirements (I don't think that it makes sense to release different eagle files for different SIDs where the routing is identical).

Your SID will work without C4, but it's better to stuff it sooner or later in order to improve the signal/noise ratio. C6 is only required when the Audio In is used. C9 can be 1000 uF if your are using a good PSU, 2200 uF if an AC transformer is connected to J1

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I had the same problem with my SID kits, I ordered mine in August last year. I tried to enquire about it on this forum but no-one answered if I remember correctly, and I never asked Claudia about it... Well, I managed to get the caps from a C64 and a local electronic shop. So it was Claudia's mistake after all... Well, worse things can happen, I guess...  :)

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