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Any OPL3 project chips available in US?


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Alternately you could buy a few old soundcards that have them onboard, learn to desolder SMT chips on something that isn't the YMF or YAC, and then be very very careful.  I picked up a bunch of soundcards before airmailed's bulk order, so that's the route that I plan on taking. 

It's not for the faint of heart, though - if you don't have complete confidence in your soldering abilities, you definitely won't want to try desolderin ghtme.

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There's a shop in the town I live in that has a bin full of old soundcards.  That's the route I took.  To get the chips off the board, I laid copper braid over the joints, pressed a hot iron over it, and wicked up the solder.  Then using a fresh exacto knife, I gently lifted the pins one by one.  It's not terribly difficult to desolder these chips.  A solder-sucker is overkill.

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