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steam train whistle circuit.. and drums


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i like the idea of doing it.. i have a number of drum machines already...  i'm veering towards a simple low cost solution.. i've been making patches on the micromodular using pairs of clock dividers feeding into logic gates.. the xor gate makes damn funky rhthyms... i'm thinking i'd like to make something like this...  (any readers can try it for themselves with the software demo of the nord g2 on the clavia website)

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I just took delivery of an elevata and the rackattack is on a ship on it's way to me now .... mmmm

but they pale in comparison.... My G2 engine is on order :) Can't wait!

But I digress! If you want to help me (lots, because I'm rather busy with my seq), I would definitely get involved in writing code to control drum synths....

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i'm pretty much an absolute beginner with programming/electronics, though i have done a bit in pd... i am recovering from rsi so it might be a bad idea for me to get back into doing lots of typing (programming) again... and i too have quite a long list of projects to do already

your seq does sound like the ideal thing to control drums... i'm wondering if some kind of simple solution would be good.. like the seq having trigger outputs and any changing of analogue parameters done by pots connected straight to the relevent drum sound modules... i know this doesn't allow recording of automation but might be a quick (ish) ;-) solution... i'm inclined to try breadboarding these simple circuits to see how i like them.. initially i would probably use logic ic's to create kind of preset ryhthms like i've described... i did have an idea for a sequencer using a decade counter (theres an example on that same site..) i was a put off a bit by the idea of wiring up 64 switches for 4x16 tracks... and the costs etc.... hence my thinking about making some kind of simple (ish) ;-) thing using logic ics... not as flexible but i also sometimes wonder how much i'm actually going to use some of this stuff once i build it

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I have been planning to do something else along those lines. I have a Boss dr-55That I plan to mod and the sequencer sucks so I was just going to make a Midi to trigger interface. Then you could use it from any sequencer, which for me would be my Korg ES-1, and replaced with MB seq once I build one and the drum mode is implemented.

Anyway, I was thinking that I should be able to trigger the DR-55 From a DOUT( possibly needing to go through some proccessing to match the DR-55 Trigger)Using the MidiIO 128 firmware, and perhaps something more complex later on, which thanks to the flexibility of mios wouldn't need hardware changes, except to add more features, like midi control of drum parameters. Then I thought I would build some more circuits to add to it, My own modular drum synth.

Anyway I think It should not require much programming. Different modules may need a different trigger, but i would think some sort of pulse would be most common. Any one know for sure?

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the drum circuits are usually triggered by the pulse.. although the pulse duration can vary between the designs. Also some old "drumbrains", which are originally designed to be triggered from the pads are also sensitive to the pulse level.

Bye, Moebius

p.s. No wonder DR-55's sequencer sucks, it's simply a RAM chip driven by some glue logic for writing patterns and all the drum circuits (but HH's) are driven straight from the data out pins.. :o

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And the hihat's straignht from the clock pulse, or every other clock pulse. Fortunately the trigger lines all have juper wires i can just desolder them to interface the new system. I think I could just use a Monostable multivibrator triggered by the DOUT to create the pulse. Or would it be possible to directly generate the pulse from the DOUT via mios? (The voltage level could be changed by the resistor on the Dout if neccesary).

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And the hihat's straignht from the clock pulse, or every other clock pulse. Fortunately the trigger lines all have juper wires i can just desolder them to interface the new system.


I think I could just use a Monostable multivibrator triggered by the DOUT to create the pulse.

Yup yup.

Or would it be possible to directly generate the pulse from the DOUT via mios? (The voltage level could be changed by the resistor on the Dout if neccesary).

Hmm.. with some coding effort, probably yeah.. (Would this then involve counters for each DOUT pulse duration..?!)

Bye, Moebius

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Or would it be possible to directly generate the pulse from the DOUT via mios? (The voltage level could be changed by the resistor on the Dout if neccesary).

Hmm.. with some coding effort, probably yeah.. (Would this then involve counters for each DOUT pulse duration..?!)

Bye, Moebius

( Using mios to generate the pulse would likely use some sort of counter function from the pic or mios)

Well, It looks like it could go both ways. Doing it in software would probably be the "easier" solution, except for me because I have no idea about MIOS Programming yet, and I think I actually know how to do it in Hardware. I wonder if it would be possible to build into MBSEQ? All that would be needed is to allow drum notes (once there is a drum mode anyway) to toggle a DOUT pin long enough to trigger the monostable multivibrator. I have no idea how much code that seemingly simple action would take. I will Try to finish a test core tommorow or friday, and see what I can do with MIDI IO 128.

P.S. Sorry If I jacked your thread Airmailed......

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i fink hallucinogen has allready made an TR-808 clone were the drumcircuits are triggered by MIDIO128. Maybe i have some code he sent me i'll look it up, or PM hallucinogen..

i'm busy with this midi controlled analog drum-thing too.... well i was, have to move into new house first, but once i get my lab started there i'll continue with experiments and show you some results.. i hope

cheers, marcel

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