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First troubles


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Hello everyone,

We've finished yesterday all required modules for MB64 and installed Roland serial driver. Firmware in PIC is latest v1.0. COM port enabled in firmware. Only modification on the CORE module is that power supply is from other source (5V stable from old CD player). We tested CORE voltages on the pins like described on the CORE module page on Thorsten's site and everything is OK.

We connected following modules:


- Core

- 1 DIN

Turned it on and got a lot of random MIDI messages in the MIDImon application (same as MIDI-ox). So in a kind of a way, it worked. Is it required to connect AIN in order to get Midibox working fine?

We were trying to get any NoteOn/Off event by connecting pins on a DIN, but we didn't manage it. So we switched on and off box for a few times.

One minute later, nothing. Zero. No events, nothing...

What can be wrong?

If we burned something, what could it be?

I've gave a PIC to a friend to check it out and I will know tommorrow if it's ok. What elements should we check and how?

Please help.

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With no pots connected you need to have A0-A7 connected to earth you will get much random data otherwise.

Also ensure you use a 0.3-0.5A fuse inline with you power supply (especially when testing), incase you have any shorts this should protect your circuit.

Hope you didnt fry her!


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We have finished all required modules:


2 DINs




All PCB's are made with NO modifications from your site. Only changes - 5v from external source, so no power polishing on the CORE module, LCD and Luminance/Contrast omitted as well as transistor, MIDI connectors (DIN shaped) omitted, to-COM option enabled in firmware, no 6N138 optocoupler...

We'll connect at least one pot (I found this information yesterday) and clamp other inputs to the ground. Do we have to do same for DIN? These 2 modules are complete - everything from the site schematics is there.

PIC is checked and it is OK.

>:(  the worst thing I say is that this actually worked for few minutes...... arggghhhhh....

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Hi Nenad,

the unused DIN pins have to be connected to +5V via 10k resistors --- if you built the DIN module completely, these "pull-ups" are already available so that you don't need to take special care for the button inputs.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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