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No knobs?!?!


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Hello again!

I have been saving up for rotary encoders etc etc. Last night I realised (!!!) that I already have a midi controller with encoders and lcd bars above each knob to give feedback on the value. Its called a 10 control and the details can be found here:


So now I am contemplating building a MB64 with sequencer firmware but without any knobs!

Can someone tell me if it is possible to use serge's software editor to setup my patterns in the sequencer?

Then for performance can the MB64 deal with incoming midi controller messages (sent from my current controller) to edit key parameters of the sequence (eg track mutes, overall control of note length etc etc).  

If so then I will be a very happy man as I can start building a cute little box this weekend ;-)

Kind Regards and happy knob twiddling

Dave mK

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Hi Dave,

Congratulations - the IBK10 is one of the best controllers designs! :)

well, concerning the MB64seq: it wouldn't be a big job to integrate a feature which allows you to control the "pot values"  from external via CC. But a LCD and at least 8 buttons have to be added beside of the core module, because without these control elements playing with the MB64 will make no fun.

Currently the SysEx dump cannot be edited by Serge's software, since it requires a totally different editing concept... however, the concept of MB64seq isn't to replace a groovebox or sequencer software, the idea behind this box is to allow direct control of notes/CC patterns, which mostly results into more creative and dynamic sequences

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hey Mr T,

Well as ever your detailed responses solve all of my dilemmas, thanks i can sleep easier when I know there is someone to answer all my geeky questionz ;-))

I plan to build a unit with the buttons for menu's, the sfb buttons and then 16 buttons (which as I understand it control my sequence steps). I understand the LCD is essential, as a matter of interest I can source very cheap replacement screens for a n0ki@ mobile phone. Would it be difficult to implement support for such a screen within the firmware (I have seen them used in a diy MP3 player projetc on the net...). They are very cheap and easy to come by ;-0

I have looked at serges software, it seems like I should be able to program a sequence from the software and then play it back from my minimal MB64. Is this the case?

And if so then I think I could set my IBK (yes it is a nice toy!) to edit either CC controllers ro even sysex.

Well by the time I work all this out in my head I may even just be able to afford the encoders any hows,  but its an interesting way for me to try and understand the MBseq.

So have fun Torsten and thanks again for such a nice open source project....


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Hi Dave,

ok, since the IBK10 can send SysEx controllers, I will integrate this feature into the SysEx handler, since this allows to cascade sequencers and to address the appr. pot with the device number.

The data structure of MB64SEQ is different from MB64, it cannot be edited by Serge's Editor. But fortunately Serge gave me the tools which allow me to modify the editor by myself so that I think that a MB64SEQ editor could be provided soon.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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