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is it possible to destroy the PIC via MIDI?!


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yesterday i was trying to update my sid with some change in MIOS code.

my sid is connected via midi thru to a korg 01RW, so the sysex (from midox) message arrives first to the korg and then are directed to the sid.

it happen the following:

i uploaded the mios to SID, turned off, turned on, and...... NOTHING!

the LCD was "black" (no writings), even if it was powered up and there was no MIDI data sent to the PC (normally the sid send a program change message i remember). the leds were not working.... the sid unit was apparently dead!!

i tried both to reload the mios 1.7 code and several mios applications... nothing!!!

fortunately, i had another PIC ad hand, and change it.

i also connected the sid directly to the soundcard midi out (no more korg this time).

and now everything was running again like before... so it was not an hardware problem....

i have still to try to reburn the code in the old PIC with the JDM module and see what happen...

but the big question is: how could this happened??

can a "wrong" sysex message during MIOS uploadin destroy the PIC code?

it was the first time i upload the mios passing thru the korg 01RW (I  own this synth since few weeks...), maybe it's its foult...

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If a SysEx block wasn't received or returns an error, and if you don't check the return messages in the MIDI-Ox window visually in order to react if anything goes wrong (switch off the core module and try the upload again with the 1st level BSL), everything can happen in a non-deterministic behaviour. This won't destroy your PIC, but of course: something within the flash could be overwritten by fault, e.g. MIOS or the bootstrap loader. I spend a lot of effort to reduce the propability for such a failure, but it is impossible to avoid all possible cases.

Another possible case is, that you are overwriting the flash due to a programming error (nobody can prevent this, only you by yourself ;-)

However, if you would use MIOS Studio, the probability would be much lower, since this program checks the return messages, retries to upload the code if the acknowledge is missing or if it wasn't received at all.

So --- please don't ignore this nice piece of software!

Wilba and Adam implemented it to make your daily live with MIOS easier and more fool proven!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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