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7805: required input to mantain line regulation


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Hi, I purchased a 7805CV, looks like this is stopping me from powering MB64 with only a display and a few buttons and pots (ca. 200 mA) with 4 AAs. It is obvious since datasheet says that 7,5 V are required to mantain line regulation. Is there a 7805 which requires at least 6 V? I can't add 2 more AAs due to lacking space on case, I suppose a regulator with low power consumption exist since people who powers their MB with 4 AAs are a lot on this forum, can you give me an hint? Thanks!

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normally voltage regulators are known that they need an input voltage thats about 1.5V for lm317 (up to 3V for 78xx types ) higher than the output voltage.  Maybe the low drop voltage regulator LM2940 is a solution, but there is some extra circuit necessary (there are a lot of examples around in the www) but notice also: 1V difference between input and output is needed,  too. Maybe it's enough to put a dull diode that can handle 200mA directly behind the battery or some z diodes... ... it would cause a drop of 0.6V (and then youre in the working limits for pic...)?

greetinx, jamram

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