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MIDIbox LC Photos


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Here some uncommented photos which should give some hints for your own construction and should give an impression about the effort. I suppose that an experienced DIYer can build a similar box in between 2 weeks, unexperienced DIYers maybe need longer, but since the box can be enhanced step by step the first success (Cubase or Logic regognizes the MC/LC device) should come within one day, and the rest is just a matter of time...


Note that my version is very compact, most has been build on vectorboards, because on this way I was able to vary the size of the modules. For the guys who are able to etch boards by themself: make it easier than me and layout also the boards for the buttons, encoders, etc. & feel free to publish your layouts! :)

Another important suggestion: don't order a panel before you've prepared the boards for the encoders/buttons/LEDs, and before you are able to measure the dimensions in order to ensure that everything fits fine. Because nothing is worse than an expensive panel with too big or small slots and holes! (I had luck ;-))

Thats all for today... :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Dan,

yes, thats the contrast pot. In difference to small dotmatrix LCDs the graphic LCDs normaly need a negative voltage at V0. Fortunately the 64240A already includes a voltage converter, which has to be connected via the 10k pot to V0.

Note also that this LCD has 4 Chip Select lines, which have to be connected like shown here: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_glcd_64240a.gif

Did you already send your order to Reichelt? If not here an important hint: for the 40 MHz system clock the PIC18F452 needs a 10 MHz crystal which will be quadrupled internally by a PLL - the PLL works only with factor 4 and not with factor 2 :-/

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ok i got it now.  ::)

So i'll focus on my first MBHP to control my Yamaha 03D Digital Mixer with a lot of knobs and faders to controls those EQs and Effects Sends in Live situations.

One more question : Rotary encoders are available on MB16E and connected to a DIN module. As there is also DIN modules in the MB64, is it possible to replace buttons with encoders ? except if the firmware is not compatible.


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