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LC problem


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hello, i'm a young french guy trying to resolve some problems with my MB and i don't find the solutions on the site so i'm asking for your help

excuse me for my poor english

I try to build a LC XT but my faders(non motorized) are not recognized and my switchs sometimes send a lot of mute/solo information and just next, the mb doesnt work anymore

for the switchs I have thought first that it was a soldering problem but they work great with the MB64 application so I don't understand

for the faders i have searched into the LC application any informations about non motorized faders but i didn't find anything

Finally i have a 2*16 LCD and i don't know if it's possible to use it with a LC XT because it doesn't show the all parameters

thanks for your help

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Check that the pinout confuguration in the application code is the same as your soldering. How many DIN boards have you got connected? If you are not using the full set of pushbutton switches you will need to do some custom allocations in the code. "the mb dosent work anymore"... Sorry, not sure what that is... maybe bad soldering causing a short when you press one of the buttons?

Your non- motorised faders should work fine... just use the LC XT in the 'silent' mode... (setting within logic)

the 2*16 will work but will not be able to tell you anything!

I would explain further but I really need to sleep now.

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thank you Steven C

i'm going to try this

i also want to control logic without the LC mode, just in generic mode but i don't really know anything about the logic's environnement

so if you can give me some information about that it will be great

have good night and i hope you can help me


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