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Everything posted by raphael

  1. Alle Spannungen am Core geprüft? MCLR(1) - Vss(12) = 5V Vdd(11) - Vss(12) = 5V Vdd(32) - Vss(31) = 5V Spannung am Optokoppler geprüft? Pin8 - Pin5 = 5V Wenn soweit alles passt, hier weitermachen: http://ucapps.de/howto_debug_midi.html
  2. Hi, 18 x unused ALPS RSAON11M9 10k with touch function 18 x FK13x25 silver-chrome knobs for the faders (conductive) I bought them for my Midibox-NG but never started the project... 10€ per fader incl. knob + shipping (from Germany) I also have 2 of the old MBHP_MF boards stuffed with everything besids the ICs (but sockets are already soldered). Best regards, Raphael
  3. Ja, genau so funktioniert das. In der MIOS-ISR (Interrupt Service Routine; zu finden in mios_isr.inc) wird jede Millisekunde durch einen Timer die Funktion MIOS_ENC_Tick aufgerufen, die prüft, ob ein Encoder bewegt wurde. In der MIOS Mainloop (mios_mainloop.inc) wird ebenfalls zyklisch (aber nicht Timer-gesteuert!) die Funktion MIOS_ENC_Handler aufgerufen, die dann die Funktion USER_ENC_NotifyChange in der jeweiligen Applikation (z.B. MB64E) aufruft, wenn ein Encoder bewegt wurde. Ich hoffe, dass hilft Dir weiter. Wie sagt Thorsten immer: MIOS is a text adventure ;) Raphael
  4. Hallo, Ich habe meinen alten JDM schon vor längerer Zeit durch den MBHP Burner ersetzt und damit schon alle mögliche erfolgreich gebrannt: 12FXX 16FXX 16F8XX 18FXXX 18F4XXX (USB-Pics) usw. Habe mir dafür jeweils entsprechende Adapter gebaut und für einige Typen musste ich auch schon mal die Spannung anpassen (Welche das genau waren, weiß ich jetzt nicht mehr). Am besten schaut man jeweils im Datenblatt nach, welche Spannung nötig ist. Gruß, Raphael
  5. Samplitude, weils zu Sequoia immer noch nicht reicht ;)
  6. raphael

    Traktorizer - Blog

    Tja, wenn ich mir den Code in dem von Dir genannten Thread so anschaue, dann sind diese Varaiablen tatsächlich nicht definiert. Der Code-Schnipsel scheint also unvollständig zu sein. Evtl. kann st Du ja nOne mal eine PM schreiben, ob er Dir seinen Code zukommen lässt. Gruß, Raphael
  7. http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=5326.msg32674#msg32674 R = (5V - ULED)/2mA Der Vorwiderstand muss also für eine 2mA LED 10x so groß sein wie für eine 20mA LED. Gruß, Raphael
  8. Hierfür gibt es eine MIOS-Applikation: http://www.ucapps.de/mios/midi_benchmark.zip Das MBHP_USB wurde von Thorsten schon getestet;): http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=2342.0 Gruß, Raphael
  9. Hmm, a few seconds aren't enough time to heat up the outside or even the heatsink, but the temperature inside (Tj) will reach the maximum very fast and the 7805 will reduce the output voltage. Have you tried it with less LEDs? Does the heatsink get hot then? And can you meassure the output voltage of the 7805's when you increase the load by switching on more and more LEDs?? Raphael
  10. Right, MIOS only supports up to 128 digital inputs and every encoder uses two of them so 42 encs and 51 buttons are too much for one core. But MB64E can handle 64 analog pots in addition. So go for the MB64E (and a mixture of pots and encs) or use a second core and chain it wit the MB link (http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_link.html). Raphael
  11. Resistance doesn`t matter here. Please check the Voltages (against GND) of the Data In and Data Out lines when "Datenleitung ein" is set to 0 and to 1 (As Thosrten already suggested!). Raphael
  12. Also recomended: Reading the DokuWiki http://wiki.midibox.org/
  13. Das mit dem timestamp ist schon OK. Das der Optokoppler funktioniert und wohl der Eingangspin des PICs was abbekommen hat :( Hast Du einen Ersatz-PIC?
  14. I assume you mean P18. Does the field "Daten Feedback" light up, if you switch on "Datenleitung ein"? Hove you done the "Kompatibilitätstest" described in the P18 help file? --> If you put a 100Ohm resistor between pin 2 and 10 of the parallel port instead of the burner, P18 should find a burner. Raphael
  15. You have to upload the application first (MIOS is only the operationg system). In your case this is the MB64 app: http://www.ucapps.de/mios/midibox64_v2_4.zip The hole procedure is decribed here: http://www.ucapps.de/mios_bootstrap.html Raphael
  16. B+ and B- are for the backlight - so just connect them to A and K. A stands for Anode and K for Kathode of the LED backlight. You cannot fry the backlight (if you use the B+ and B- from the core!). Just change A and K if it doesn't light up ;)
  17. You have to burn the bootstrap-loader with the right ID for the LTC module. SmashTV has a ID calculator on his site: http://www.avishowtech.com/mbhp/idgen.html (0x0100 should be right for you if you use a normal LCD or no LCD). If you cannot select the ID in your programmer, you can change the ID directely in the hex file of the bootloader: Look for this line (near the end of the hex file): :080000000000000000000000F8 Change it to this: :080000000000000000000100F7 [This is taken from a message by TK in the german forum: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=6051.msg37190#msg37190]
  18. Hi, These Faders are non-motorized (consider them as normal pots). Axels Midibox LC uses Encoders like the original LC. Concerning your new design: One core can only handle 64 pots (in your design core 3 has to handle more then 100!). Please reread the MIOS documentation (http://www.ucapps.de/mios.html). There is a limit of 64 analog inputs and 128 digital IN/128 digital OUT per core (This cannot be changed without immense re-programming which would have been done by yourself). Raphael
  19. According to your image you want to connect 8 motorfaders and 64 pots to one core. But motorfaders and normal pots are mutual exclusive! 8 motorfaders or 64 pots per core as the motorfaders connect already to J5 of the core. The Logic control/Mackie Control protocol requires 1 Midi Connection (IN/OUT) per 8 channels! This has nothing to do with device IDs for SysEx messages. So there is no possibility to chain the cores if you want to use the LC application. Raphael
  20. It's all expained here: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=3642.msg23750#msg23750 Just 6 lines of code to edit. Then recompile like described here: http://www.ucapps.de/howto_tools_mpasm.html That's all!
  21. Hmm, the ports are mentioned on the button/led wiring diagrams on the MBFM site ;): http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_fm/mbfm_din_default.pdf (Core J9) http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_fm/mbfm_dout_default.pdf (Core J8) Just use the MIDIO128 app. You will get several MIDI events per turn (How much depends on the encoder). Other possibility would be to upload a MB64E with appropriate encoder settings (mios_tables.inc). Raphael
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