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midibox sid/ CS/ ENV Rate or Depth??


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hi all!!!

I´ve got a short and simple question about the connection of the ENV Rate encoder......

In the documentation is only ENV Depth available at DINX4.... but on the frontpanel is only ENV Rate..... ???

Am I right if I connect the encoder to ENV Depth at DINX4(J6)  ???

please help!!!



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the "rate" lable is an error at my own frontpanel (you will only find this error in the pictures, but not in the .fpd file), it's the depth parameter which is controlled by this encoder

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh oh !

Never noticed that one , My Sid cs envelope section legending reads "Delay, Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release" like the oscillator section. I based my layout on the Autocad dxf file version of TK's layout  posted on the sid cs page...

I'll have to somehow change it...

anyway thanks for pointing that out...



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Hi Jorge,

please believe me: there is no error in the released files, you will only find this mismatch at a picture of my own SID case.

You are writing about the OSC section (which provides a DADSR curve) - pwx wrote about the ENV section.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Strange as it seems TK  I can't open that file in my version of microstation at home

but I can at work even though I have V8.1, where as at work  I have V8.1.? Must be a support thing re Autocad files..

Probably the best thing is to notify Klingen??? re the error.. as you mentioned.

Don't know when I'll be able to sort it out as the laser cutter at work just died on us... to much reliance on technology is abad thing some times...

          As ever keep up the good work    Jorge.... 

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