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Multi-function buttons with function select switch?


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Hi again,

Is it possible (and easy) to use a set of channel buttons for several different functions, with a button (and ideally LED indicators) to display the current assignment?

For instance, my JL Cooper has one single button above each channel fader, which acts as solo, mute, locate or select, depending on the state of the main button, which has 4 labeled LEDs. It would save me a bunch of space. I'd probably also want lights for the current status of Nuendo's corresponding functions, which would hopefully stay on even if another function were selected. Like if channels are muted, their individual mute lights would stay lit, even if you were in select mode.

I hope that's not expecting too much of Nuendo or MIOS. If it is indeed a common configuration, could anyone point me in the area of MIOS that I need to read up on?



PS- BTW- I've got my updated Greg board up and running (with MIDI i/o). I'm having a bit of trouble compiling an MB64 2x40 LCD app that works with my temporary minimal config. (only the first 4051, 595, and 165 are installed with 8 buttons to the 165, no banksticks and no pots or lights). Everything is properly terminated, but I'm struggling with finding all the right MIOS parameters to turn off or change for this skimpy circuit. I think the available AIN/DIN/DOUT chips are correctly assigned in the re-compiled app., but the closest I've gotten is a screen full of random characters, which appears to occasionally "respond" to some of the function buttons. I'm reading and working on it, but I'm real tight on time these days. 

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Hi George,

in general such mechanisms can be realized very easily, especially with a C based application. But I cannot give you a fast solution for especially your needs. My hope is, that somebody else feels motivated to program on such special variations, for myself it wouldn't make fun.

To the problems with Greg's board: the pull-up resistor at the end of the 74HC165 (pin #10, see mbhp_dinx4.pdf) is not part of Greg's PCB, you have to add it in order to avoid the random events.

It's also required to clamp all unconnected analog inputs to ground

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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