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Stupid question about old Floorboard project


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Embarrassed newbie here.  I live to play guitar, but I make my living coding software, so PICs don't scare me too much.  I need to make a set of bass pedals to use at church.  Since I just snagged an Alesis NanoBass, that dictates that my project will take the MIDI approach.  The old Floorboard project here looks like it's 97% of what I need.

I just have one teeny, tiny stupid question.  Upon reviewing the button code with the USED_AS_KEYBOARD assembler option, I note that this will generate notes C through B.  I'm hoping to adopt an actual organ pedalboard for my task, so I have 13 pedals to give me a full octave.  I need to implement one more pedal.

Is there anything keeping me from creating a modified version of the button code that starts from the D3 pin instead of the D4 pin and implements a 13-bit instead of a 12-bit shift register?  Would it be OK with the designer if I did so?  This unit is for my personal use only.  I just want to build it, get done and get back to playing!

While we're on the subject, would it be possible to add switches to some of the other unused pins to implement multiple octaves?

I hope my writing is clear.  Electronics is not my strong suit and my writing is very idiomatic when I'm excited about something.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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  • 2 weeks later...

???  Umm...  hello?  Did I ask a forbidden question or something?  Is there some protocol for posting questions that I didn't follow?  If so, I apologize.

I see that most posts concern the MIDI Box.  I did look at some of that, but it's more than I need.  All I need to know is if it will work to add inputs to the floorboard as I've described.  I can code the change.  For assembler, that's pretty clean code!

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???  Umm...  hello?  Did I ask a forbidden question or something?  Is there some protocol for posting questions that I didn't follow?  If so, I apologize.

I see that most posts concern the MIDI Box.  I did look at some of that, but it's more than I need.  All I need to know is if it will work to add inputs to the floorboard as I've described.  I can code the change.  For assembler, that's pretty clean code!

... No forbidden questions... I'm just to stupid to have an answer  :-* And I'm propably not the only one  ;D

Greets, Roger

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

wow, easy with the axes

when a question is not answered in this forum thats because of:


-in your case, nobody that has read the thread knows the answer, the floorboard project isn't such a popular project so not many people have axeperience with that.

never because people don't wanna help you

the forum is a place where enthousiast mboxers talk/discuss about building, and not some kind of big-company tech support which can help you with all your questions

I figured it out on my own, no thanks to you.

and see; you figured it out yourself; remember, thats what all of us (should) do, DoItYourself all the way. This way the forum/common knowledge grows and it doesn't hang on one man only.

so it would help future generations if you posted your results here too; this way we don't have to have this discussion again, and again, and again again.,,,.....

cheers, marcel

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