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floorboard floored me


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???  Hi Tk

Just built that flooboard thing for Mackwreck.

Only thing is that it does'nt go !!  he he he

As you know I check things and I have checked this.

Upshot is that I get nil per led segment. I guess I should see something on the leds when I power up.

I have not tried to send any midi with it yet, did'nt see the point.

Did anyone build this thing b4.........?

Wondered if there might be a code prob or something.

BTW  can the 877 be used  ?

TIA  Ian

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Things are getting real bad when you post replies to your own posts.

The other day I had an argument with myself and lost  :o :o :o

Oh how delightful the leds are when it boots up  ::)

Those stinky segments were CC not CA. Slid the new ones in and it works a treat. ;)

Now gotta work out how to change the source code ......eek :P ???


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Hi Ian,

the source code mod is easier than resoldering all the parts (ok: for myself ;-))

In irq.inc, you have to exchange the LED routines:

;; ==========================================================================
;;  LED subroutines for timer handler
;; ==========================================================================

        movlw   0x01                    ; Digit 0 on, Digit 1 off, Digit 2 off
        xorlw   0x07
        movwf   PORTC
        movf    LED_DIGIT0, W
        goto    LED_SetDigit

        movlw   0x02                    ; Digit 0 off, Digit 1 on, Digit 2 off
        xorlw   0x07
        movwf   PORTC
        movf    LED_DIGIT1, W
        goto    LED_SetDigit

        movlw   0x04                    ; Digit 0 off, Digit 1 off, Digit 2 on
        xorlw   0x07
        movwf   PORTC
        movf    LED_DIGIT2, W
;       goto    LED_SetDigit

        ;; First: Check Flash Flag
        IFCLR   LED_FLASH_FLAG, 0, goto LED_SetDigitCont

        ; change char to "led off", depending on counter
        IFSET   LED_FLASH_CTR, 5, movlw 0x10

        call    LED_GetCode
        movwf   LED_TMP

        ;; scrambling:
        ;; LED a: PORTA[0]
        ;; LED b: PORTA[1]
        ;; LED c: PORTA[2]
        ;; LED d: PORTA[3]
        ;; LED e: PORTA[5]
        ;; LED f: PORTE[0]
        ;; LED g: PORTE[1]
        ;; LED dot: PORTE[2]

        andlw   0x0f                    ; PORTA[3..0]
        IFSET   LED_TMP, 4, iorlw 0x20  ; PORTA[5]
        xorlw   0x2f
        movwf   PORTA

        swapf   LED_TMP, F
        rrf     LED_TMP, W
        andlw   0x07
        xorlw   0x07
        movwf   PORTE                   ; PORTE[2..0]


I just have exchanged the polarity with the xorlw instructions

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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