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encoder questions


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i have a few questions about encoders

1) is the bourns rotary encoder /w switch from smashTV an on/off or momentary?

2) im looking for a button cap that is large, round, and almost flat with a finger divet. i've seen them before on various pieces of equipment. there is one on this guy: http://media.samedaymusic.com/media/fit,325by400/quality,85/brand,sameday/dr880_lg-a081d9868aafc6e528f4709a9c8ab2c2.jpg

has anyone seen (caps) these for sale anywhere?

3) one time, i found a website that made and sold the touch sensor encoder like the one you would find on ipods. i can't remember the website anymore, but i would like to find it. has anyone else seen it?

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1) is the bourns rotary encoder /w switch from smashTV an on/off or momentary?

... momentary

2) im looking for a button cap that is large, round, and almost flat with a finger divet. i've seen them before on various pieces of equipment. there is one on this guy: http://media.samedaymusic.com/media/fit,325by400/quality,85/brand,sameday/dr880_lg-a081d9868aafc6e528f4709a9c8ab2c2.jpg

has anyone seen (caps) these for sale anywhere?

... those are membrane switches: Mostly made out of one piece of silicone. Hard to get, because they are relativly cheap to customize for big series... so manufacturers mostly don't have a "standard line" but only offer to design and produce custom line by order.

3) one time, i found a website that made and sold the touch sensor encoder like the one you would find on ipods. i can't remember the website anymore, but i would like to find it. has anyone else seen it?

... might be interresting for you:

Greets, Roger

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Sorry if this comes through twice-

... those are membrane switches: Mostly made out of one piece of silicone.

I *think* he's talking about the jogwheel cap(?)

I haven't seen them, but I'll keep an eye out for them. (never needed one). My JLCooper CS-10 has a solid chunk of anodized milled aluminum with that finger detention as well as a set screw. You can spin it real fast and let go, and it will keep going. I pulled off my Peavey 1600X's knob and it was lightweight plastic crap with a "D" fitting. They all probably look about the same though.

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Sorry if this comes through twice-

I *think* he's talking about the jogwheel cap(?)

I haven't seen them, but I'll keep an eye out for them. (never needed one). My JLCooper CS-10 has a solid chunk of anodized milled aluminum with that finger detention as well as a set screw. You can spin it real fast and let go, and it will keep going. I pulled off my Peavey 1600X's knob and it was lightweight plastic crap with a "D" fitting. They all probably look about the same though.

yeah, a jogwheel cap is what i'm looking for.  thank you.

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